Guessing what skincare products should be refrigerated? It’s time we take better care of our skincare products.
It’s time we take better care of our skincare products whether you want to start a new skincare routine or be better at your current one.
We all buy different skincare products and look up how to use each one, but did you know you may be storing them incorrectly?
You might be surprised to learn how many of your products could feel better if you refrigerated them.
1. Eye Cream
When you wake up in the morning, it’s more common than not that your eyes feel swollen or puffy from your sleep. This is totally normal, and you probably take care of it with your favorite eye cream. However, try putting your eye cream in the refrigerator. The cooling feeling of your cream can actually speed up the depuffing process, and you can look more awake faster.
2. Sheet Masks
We don’t need to use sheet masks often, but if you love them, we highly recommend cooling them in the fridge for your next spa session. Putting a cold sheet on your face will feel absolutely amazing, and your skin will benefit from the cold temperature, reducing redness and even tightening your pores.
3. Mists
After a long, hot day outside, what will feel better than one of your cold mists spraying your face? Probably nothing. Mists will bring hydration back to your face after a grueling summer day, and the cold feeling will just be icing on the cake.
4. Moisturizers
Not all moisturizers are okay to put in the fridge. In fact, some should definitely stay at room temperature or else they will separate. However, gel moisturizers are a great option to put in your mini-fridge. It will have a cooling effect and really feel like you’re getting completely moisturized from it.
5. Facial Rollers
Rollers are a great way to keep your face skin tight and supple. However, putting it in the fridge to get nice and cold can help with redness, puffiness and just relax you deeper into the face massage.
We’re just as excited as you for these summer days, but let’s keep our skin hydrated, cool, and happy all season long. We also highly recommend you get yourself a mini-fridge specifically for your skincare products. It’ll feel like you have your very own luxurious spa!