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Fine Gemstone Jewelry Guide on a Budget

Fine Gemstone Jewelry Guide on a Budget

Use this fine gemstone jewelry guide to excite admiration or to bestow the gift of elegance unto a special someone (on a budget)!

Fake gemstones may beckon you with their tiny price tags. Unfortunately, a plastic-looking gemstone casts a most undesirable trait upon the bearer. Instead of granting a halo of elegance, a fake gemstone instantly elicits the word “tacky.”

There is only one choice — you must buy fine gemstone jewelry. We’ll show you how to do it at the best price possible.

Excite admiration everywhere you go, or bestow the gift of elegance unto a special someone (on a budget)! After reading our fine gemstone jewelry guide, you’ll shop with the confidence of an expert.

Which gemstones can you choose from?

Jewelers count six precious stones at your disposal:

  • Diamond
  • Pearl
  • Ruby
  • Sapphire
  • Emerald
  • Oriental catseye
  • Alexandrite

Then, you have your nine semi-precious stones:

  • Amethyst
  • Topaz
  • Tourmaline
  • Aquamarine
  • Chrysoprase
  • Peridot
  • Opal
  • Zircon
  • Jade


What to look for in gemstones

Jewelers at Theodore A. Kohn & Son state that you only need to concern yourself with three things when inspecting gemstones, in this order:

1. Brilliancy and clarity: A well-cut stone will sparkle from every angle. It doesn’t need to be translucent to be valuable, but avoid dull stones.

2. Richness of color: Perhaps the real reason to wear gemstones is the sparkle they bring to the eyes and skin. The more vibrant the color, the higher the value.

3. Perfection: Some “defects” add to the uniqueness of a stone, so don’t look down your nose if the artwork is impeccable.

*** Tip: Look for gemstones cast on silver-plated or gold-plated jewelry. They cost half as much as pure metal jewelry, but the gemstones will be just as admirable (only a connoisseur will be able to tell the difference upon close inspection).

Where to buy gemstone jewelry for cheap

Start with these basics to find the sweet balance between opportunity and the right place:

  • Small local jewelers: They will customize their art to your preferences (and budget). Unlike large chain stores, you won’t need to compete with a salesperson’s commission.
  • Annual sales: Stores like Macy’s, JCPenney, Sears, and Kohl’s advertise sales of up to 70% off once a year. Browse through their collections a couple of days in advance and you’re in for a fine bargain.
  • Etsy: This is the place to find handmade, unique items, for all price ranges. Some sellers will customize the jewelry for you, or create it from your own gemstones.
  • Wholesale jewelry websites: Unless you hold the stone in your hand, you won’t really know what you’re getting. If you’re up for the risk, look for a certificate of authenticity and a return policy, as a minimum.

Simple, right?

It takes a high standard, not a large fortune, to command elegance. Keep this gemstone jewelry guide handy to live up to your own fashion standards.

And follow Gigi’s aunt's advice. Never settle for second-rate jewelry, whether selecting a gift for yourself or for a special someone!

Make sure to also follow @mobilestylesapp on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for more tips!


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