It’s Time to Solve the Brittle Fingernails in Winter Issue
It's freezing and dry outside! How do you handle brittle fingernails in winter? We've got some tips on how to deal with them here!
Alongside frigid winds and cold feet, brittle fingernails in winter are on the rise.
A lack of moisture in the air leads to brittle fingernails in winter times.
In the movie the Neverending Story Rock Biter, our friendly neighborhood rock eating creature, laments how their “big strong hands” were unable to save their friends.
Today, no matter how “big” or “strong” your hands are they’re vulnerable to a lack of moisture. As we face nippy weather, fingernails have a habit of becoming dry and brittle. In this fragile condition, it becomes difficult paint our nails or use our hands without facing a barrage of questions. It’s no one’s fault that your nails are cracking. This is simply a result of the atmosphere around you. But don’t worry. You don’t have to shamefully hide your hands in gloves for the rest of the season.
Dry brittle nails are caused by low humidity, dry heat, and by repeatedly washing and drying your fingernails. The latter can occur when you’re washing dishes or dealing with laundry detergent. However, there’s an easy way to work around this. The first thing you can do is wear cotton-lined gloves when engaging in any household chores that involve getting your hands wet. These gloves can be purchased at most store, and they help your hands stay dry when chores require that you wet and dry them multiple times. It’s also advised to apply certain lotions to your nails to help strengthen them. It’s important that such lotions contain alpha-hydroxy acids or lanolin containing lotions like “Elon.” It’s recommended that you apply said lotions after soaking your fingernails in warm water for at least five minutes. Another strategy advises people to apply these lotions before bedtime and then wear gloves or a sock over your hands to help seal in the lotion.
Brittle nails in winter don’t have to be something you just have to live with. With the proper initiative your nails can remain perfect year round.
What does your nail care routine look like? Download the MOBILESTYLES app and book a PRO nail artist today to keep your fingernails healthy!