MOBILESTYLES PROs Are Your Mobile Beauticians for Elderly Citizens
At MOBILESTYLES, we believe that health and beauty should be accessible for everyone. That's why our mobile beauticians for the elderly take extra precautions to ensure our seniors are well taken care of!
Our mobile beauticians for the elderly always go above and beyond.
We understand that clients want to make sure that their senior family members are taken care of at all times, especially when left in the care of somebody else. This is why we created this guide to ensure that all of our PROs are well aware of how to be the best mobile beautician for elderly clients!
Be aware of your body language
Before services begin, a seated position directly in front of your client can improve communication by reducing distractions and sending the message that you are focused on them completely. This will also give you a much better chance to fully grasp what service or style they want completed. Maintaining eye contact is also huge, because this will help your client to better understand facial cues.
Exercise patience
When servicing seniors, our PROs must always exercise patience. It’s not unusual for PROs to have to repeat certain talking points about their services several times before the client fully understands the message. If you need to repeat yourself too often, then maybe try slowing down your speech and speaking clearer until they can fully understand. Older clients may also take longer to react during consultations. Patience is key!
Recognize sensory challenges
During a service, there may be distractions, such as other family members, cognitive impairments, or hearing loss. These can all make communication difficult, which is something you need to be prepared for. About one-third of seniors over 65 have some form of hearing loss, and a fourth of seniors over 75 have reported vision problems. These types of ailments can affect every client differently, which is why it's important for the PRO to understand these ailments as best as they can before servicing the client.
Use simple language
As we age, our physiology begins to change and we may become a bit less sharp than we used to be. Senior clients may begin losing their hearing, sight, or memory — all of these changes will affect how they take in and understand any new information. This is why using very simple language is important. This makes it much easier for senior clients to process new information that is being given to them. So, any details about the services being provided should be very clear and concise!
Show sincerity and empathy
During visits, PROs should feel free to ask friendly questions about the client’s life and social life (if they deem it appropriate). It’s very important that your client feels taken care of and respected. Practicing active listening is very useful, as well. Using body language (nodding, eye contact, etc.) can also help make your client feel heard and is always appreciated!
Our mobile beauticians for elderly clients should understand that working with our seniors may require a bit of a different approach than usual. That is why we make sure to take extra steps to ensure that our PROs know what to expect, and how to ensure a successful appointment!
Are you a beautician looking for on-demand work? Apply now at MOBILESTYLES! www.mobilestyles.com/download