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Body Chemical Peel

Here’s Why You Need to Schedule a Body Chemical Peel, STAT!

Seeking silky smooth, consistent, and clear skin across your entire body? Then you need to schedule a body chemical peel with the MOBILESTYLES App today!

Tired of dry skin and hyperpigmentation? You need to schedule a body chemical peel ASAP!

Body peels can be an effective treatment, whether you’re trying to clear acne or even out your complexion.

Everyone cares about their face complexion, whether they admit it or not. I mean, your face is the natural money maker, right? But, we often overlook other areas, like the arms, elbows, or back. These locations can become rough, dry, and dark, especially when covered up in the cold months. You can address and transform these areas with a body chemical peel.

What is a body chemical peel?

First, what’s a body chemical peel, and why does it sound intimidating? Like face applications, body peels are a cosmetic treatment that cleanse and exfoliate the upper skin layers. Essentially, these treatments remove the dead outer skin layer, providing a fresh, glowing, and even complexion. Professional applications may increase skin permeability, nutrient absorption, and blood circulation.


What ingredients are used in a body peel?

Body peels use more potent ingredients than what’s used on your face, as the skin isn’t as delicate. Acids like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) work to break down dead skin cells and revitalize the skin. Although they’re called chemical peels, most of the acids are natural compounds found in plants and foods.

Keep an eye out for ingredients like lactic acid (LA), trichloroacetic acid (TCA), salicylic acid, kojic acid, and arbutin. TCA is a commonly used ingredient that can improve fine lines and wrinkles. Salicylic acid is excellent for managing acne, while kojic acid and arbutin promote consistent skin tones.

What are the benefits?

Chemical body peels treat various conditions like body acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles, and scars. Different ingredients are used depending on the circumstance. The treatment has almost zero downtime, and the benefits can be seen almost immediately. Some more benefits you can expect from a professional application include:

  • Treat body acne: Body peels with salicylic acid are utilized to treat acne on the chest and back. Salicylic acid is an oil-soluble BHA that deeply penetrates thicker skin and pores, unclogging them and reducing breakouts in the process.
  • Minimize hyperpigmentation: Body peels are exfoliants, meaning they remove dead skin cells and brighten the complexion. Ingredients like lactic acid, glycolic acid, and mandelic acid are used to treat hyperpigmentation from dark spots, acne scars, and other blemishes.
  • Smooth rough skin: Keratosis pilaris is a common condition that causes rough, bumpy, and scaly skin. Body peels are used to treat problem areas like the upper arms and thighs.


Can anyone get a body peel?

There are several rumors online about the risks of chemical body peels and who can receive them. However, these treatments are safe and effective for nearly any skin type. Depending on your situation and skin type, you might use a body peel on your chest, back, arms, or legs. There are also gentle methods for sensitive skin prone to irritation, discomfort, or itching. Regardless, it’s best to consult your esthetician or beauty professional ahead of time to determine what’s right for you.

Are there any risks involved?

The main risk of a chemical body peel is improper application. Improper application or too many active ingredients can lead to over-exfoliation. Some symptoms to be aware of include irritation, redness, and dry skin. It’s best to avoid the sun after a chemical peel and use sunscreen, as your skin will be more sensitive to UV rays. It’s critical to consult a board-certified dermatologist for a follow-up if you notice burning, flaking, or discoloration.


How do I schedule an appointment?

With the #1 on-demand health and beauty app across the nation, MOBILESTYLES, of course! The process is straightforward: download the MOBILESTYLES App, register as a client, select your location, find beauty professionals near you, and book your first appointment! You can consult your beauty PRO ahead of time on concerns, ingredients, and treatment options to determine what’s best for your situation.

Chemical body peels are an effective and safe treatment for various conditions like body acne, hyperpigmentation, and reducing signs of aging. These treatments are excellent for exfoliating dry skin covered up during fall and winter. Be sure to consult your esthetician or beauty professional ahead of time to determine what ingredients work best for your concerns.

Are you ready for a life changing body peel? Schedule an in-home appointment with the MOBILESTYLES App today! Download the app at!


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