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Have You Heard about the Shellac Manicure

Have You Heard about the Shellac Manicure?

The shellac manicure was developed by Creative Nail Designs and offers better results than the ordinary manicure or the popular gel manicure.


High gloss shine, simple application, and long-lasting wear... These are three things you have to look forward to when indulging in a shellac manicure. I know I know, a what manicure? There is this new manicure that is taking the nail world by storm and most want to know is it even worth it. I’ll let you be the judge.

The shellac manicure was developed by Creative Nail Designs and is supposed to offer better results than an ordinary manicure as well as outshine the ever so popular gel manicure. Most women know the heartbreak that comes with chipping a new manicure and may rush out to try this new fad without question. But, there are some things you should know before heading over to the salon.

The shellac manicure is a patented nail polish formula. The process includes shaping your nails, pushing your cuticles back, and applying the polish. Unlike the traditional manicure, there is no nail-soaking or oil used on the nails as it may interfere with the nail polish. Your nails are then set under a UV light for 30 to 60 seconds! It’s hypoallergenic and can stand up to a lot of chemicals used in daily life, like dish detergent, etc. Sounds simple, right? It is, but there are some cons to this beauty treatment. No oils! So that nourishing cuticle oil treatment is a no-go. The polish needs a UV light to set. UV light exposure is known to cause skin irritation or damage. Also, the removal process takes at least 15 minutes.

After taking a closer look, deciding to get this manicure comes down to preference and preparation. If you don’t like the idea of even one of the cons, then this manicure isn’t for you. But if you want to try it out for yourself, put on some sunscreen, make sure your nails are in great shape, and keep your cuticles well-oiled after the manicure!


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