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Top Beach Spots in Southern California

Top Beach Spots in Southern California

It's summer! Looking for places to visit? Here are some of the best beach cities in So Cal.


Photo Source: Unsplash

Fun in the sun, sand on your feet, and surf on your turf, there is not a more enjoyable season that matches up to summertime! Soaking up the sun at the beach is tops on everyone’s list as the weather heats up and the days get longer. Southern California is known for its beautiful beaches. The Pacific Ocean makes for a gorgeous view as you drive down the Southern California coast, and offers residents and tourists some of the best beaches in the world to visit.

Laguna Beach

Laguna Beach is known worldwide. It's located in one of Orange County’s most fashionable towns. The water at Laguna is generally clean and calm, and people come from all over to see the Laguna Beach Festival of Arts and the famous Pageant of the Masters.

Newport Beach

Newport Beach is a favorite gathering spot for trendsetters, jet-setters, and the gorgeous beach lovers. There’s the ritzy Newport Harbor, Balboa Pier, numerous five-star restaurants, and the glorious Pelican Hill. Don’t forget to browse the chic shopping district.


Photo Source: Unsplash

Venice Beach

No beach in the world matches Venice Beach. With its 3-ring urban street circus, philosophizing artists, hoopsters, weightlifters, sand sculptors, and more, you’d be hard pressed to find a more diversified group of people and events. Venice Beach satisfies the need for culture and uniqueness that lives in all of us.

Santa Monica

Santa Monica equals seaside fun. The Santa Monica Pier, where the beach meets the boardwalk, offers a festive display of amusement park rides, aquarium wonders, and food so good you’ll think you’re at the fair. Santa Monica also seems to capture the glorious sunsets that offset the ocean at the end of each day.

Hermosa Beach

Hermosa Beach is bordered by Manhattan Beach and Redondo Beach. With surfing, swimming, paddleball, sunbathing, and volleyball, this stretch of beach can be linked while walking or bicycling down the strand. The paved boardwalk is a thoroughfare for bikers, skaters, joggers, and walkers.

La Jolla

La Jolla Cove is one of the most beautiful and ritzy beach areas in Southern California. Located in San Diego County, La Jolla is a popular spot for scuba diving and snorkeling, as the visibility extends up to 30 feet underwater.

Southern California is the place to be in the summertime. With its pristine beaches, magnificent mountains, Hollywood, iconic landmarks, festive food and culture galore, Southern California beaches offer a wealth of enjoyment from sand to shore.

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