Halloween Special FX Makeup that will Impress Anyone!
It’s that time of year again! Halloween is just around the corner, so be prepared for what I like to call the makeup artist’s parade.
You’ll see the coolest and most creative makeup on this day out of any other because there are no rules. You don’t have to worry about the everyday rules of less is more or think about whether that deep purple lipstick is too much for your skin tone. All bets are off!
So… what are you going as? The famous question we all hear when October comes around. The pressure is on! How can you outdo your costume last year and pull off your wildest ideas this year? Why not kick things up a notch with special FX makeup! It’s the perfect way to straddle the line of “I didn’t really want to do anything for Halloween, so this is my costume” and “I wanted to kick my costume up a notch, so I added this special FX.”
First things first, how do you choose the perfect look for you?
Think about what your character embodies. Are you going for a “Dawn of the Dead” look, a “fairy” look, or something in between? Whichever you choose, there is always a way to take it to the next level with the makeup. Here are a few of the coolest looks anyone can look to for inspiration! These looks are proven to have you looking great on Halloween!
“Bitten by the Fairy Queen” Look
Does anyone need any bronzer? This look will have everyone’s head turning wherever you go! You may not be a whiz at high hair and branches, but you can definitely use this as inspiration for your own fairy look. You need a ton of bronzers. I would say get a bronzer palette, black eyeliner, bronze lipstick, temporary color hair spray, loose bronzer, and a few brushes. You’ll also need petroleum jelly, foundation, flour, and a dish to mix it all in to create the raised portions on the face. Or you could use liquid latex if you are not allergic to latex or those 3-D portions. You can also use loose small twigs and attach them to your hair for added effect. This may be a little tough for the less experienced to pull off exactly but you can put your twist on it!
Difficulty Level: Medium to Hard
“The Walking Dead” Look
For those of you who love the bloody look, this may be just the look for you! The best thing about this look is that even if you mess up, it’ll still be brilliant! You can do the simplest look all the way up to the most in-depth idea you could possibly imagine. In the most basic execution, you’ll need fake blood, white, yellow or light blue contact lenses, liquid latex or petroleum jelly, foundation, and flour. You'll also need white powder and an eyeshadow palette with the desired colors for bruises and the like.
Difficulty Level: Easy to Hard
“The Wild Animal” Look
One last look you can count on to have you turning heads is the “wild animal” look! You can pick whatever majestic African animal you can think of or simply go as a deer. It doesn’t matter. What does matter is your execution! Let’s take the deer, for example. It’s not too hard to pull it off if you can find small antlers you can attach to your forehead. There are a few different paths you can take here. If you want to seal the special FX makeup, then go all out with the nose and antlers. If you aren’t as nifty with a glue gun, then you can stick with the liquid latex and Bambi makeup for an easier approach!
Difficulty Level: Easy to Medium