Thinking Of Getting A Tattoo? Use Henna First!
Are you wanting a new tattoo but you're not sure how it will look? Use henna kits to wear tattoo ideas before you make them permanent.
If you plan to get a tattoo, try to use henna first to experiment!
It became popular in Western cultures where you would see celebrities like Madonna, Beyone, Katy Perry, and Vanessa Hudgens use henna art on their hands.
A nice preview
Henna has been practiced for over 5,000 years in Pakistan, Africa, India, and the Middle East. It’s been used for self-expression and social and holiday celebrations. It was not just for the rich but also for the poor, who could not afford jewelry.
Won’t have any regrets
It became popular in Western cultures where you would see celebrities like Madonna, Beyone, Katy Perry, and Vanessa Hudgens sporting henna art on their hands.
In traditional wedding celebrations, the bride would wear elaborate and intricate henna art for luck, taking five to six days to complete the artwork.
No discomfort
The henna leaves are ground to a powder, mixed into a paste, and left sitting for 48 hours until the staining properties are released from the leaf matter.
Takes less time
Once the henna is applied, it should be left on the skin for 4-6 hours until it’s dried. Once the henna falls off or is scraped off, you’re left with a beautiful stain that will deepen in color after 3 days and last anywhere from one to three weeks.
So, why all this talk about henna? Henna is a great option to try when you want to see what a tattoo would look like on your skin without the permanent commitment. You can test out henna art on a large area of your skin or on a small area. This will allow you to make a better decision should you choose to go through with getting a real tattoo.
In your mind, you may think that you want a chest plate, sleeve, or full back tattoo, but it’s hard to imagine what that might look like without it actually being on your body. The effect won’t be the same as a real tattoo, but the henna version will at least give you a chance to change your mind after you’ve had it on your skin for three weeks.
This will prevent any possible regret you may have if you decide to go the tattoo route. This is also a great option to showcase a temporary tattoo to family and friends. You may need to test the waters out with loved ones to see the reaction that you’ll receive once you’ve unveiled your body art.
Make sure you find yourself an artist that uses high-quality henna, without the added chemicals and preservatives that can be harmful to the skin. Keep in mind that the experience of getting henna art will be vastly different than getting an actual tattoo. For one, you won’t experience any pain with henna art; you’ll actually feel a cooling sensation where the paste is applied.
It’ll also take less time than getting an actual tattoo, which can take multiple sessions and hours. Some of the biggest things to consider with getting a tattoo are finding a talented artist who will create a great piece of art and having the budget for it as well.
The better the artist, the more expensive your tattoo will be. Another important thing you need to consider is that you will most likely experience some pain or discomfort when getting it, depending on your pain tolerance and the location of the tattoo.
Tattoos are a huge commitment and investment, so it’s a great idea to go the less permanent route and use henna art to see if you really want to get permanent ink on your body. You’ll always have the option to remove a tattoo, but it’s more painful to remove it than when you actually got it.