How To Show Your Support For HIV Awareness
December is about more than holiday parties and New Year’s Eve celebrations, it’s also a time for HIV awareness.
Show your support during this time of HIV awareness.
HIV awareness helps to drop the stigmas surrounding HIV.
This is also the month of AIDS awareness. It seems that every month has a cause associated with it, and this is no different. Believe it or not, this topic is not spoken about as often as it should be. You may have heard of the disease, but you may not know the intricate details of it. So what can you do to become better educated on the subject and show your support for the cause?
Here are a few ways you can show support and spread the word about AIDS awareness.
Volunteer with an AIDS awareness campaign
There may not be a better way to learn about AIDS than from those who dedicate their lives to running programs and campaigns in order to help spread awareness on the topic of AIDS. Those who serve and volunteer for these campaigns love to educate people about AIDS, and you wouldn’t be any different. It’s smart to learn as much as you can about it so you’ll be prepared when the time comes to help spread awareness.
Search and spread the news!
If you are an influencer or run a blog, you can add AIDS awareness information to your newsletter. You could be influencing an entire generation who knows nothing about AIDS. They could be hearing all of this from you for the first time. This is an awesome way to use your platform! It will prompt questions from your audience and get the conversation going about AIDS. You can then direct them to websites and other resources that will give them more information. If your audience has parents, then this may be a great time to encourage them to talk to their children about AIDS.
The Red Ribbon...
Wear the red ribbon. Post the red ribbon. Share the red ribbon. This simple gesture gets people talking. And if you get all of your friends and family members to post, wear, and share the red ribbon in support of HIV (and AIDS) awareness and support, it could go viral, prompting more questions about the red ribbon and where it comes from.
Host an event!
Take things a step further by hosting an AIDS awareness event for your community. Invite health professionals and health advocates to come and give free screenings, or have a speaker there to educate people on how to protect themselves from HIV (which causes AIDS), the disease itself, and how to talk to others about it.
Speaking about things like HIV awareness tends to get pushed to the back burner. No one loves having these kinds of conversations, but they need to happen. We can all break the chain of silence by participating and showing support during AIDS awareness month. There is always a possibility of this display of support spilling into other topics such as diabetes, heart disease, etc. Making support and knowledge of these serious topics go viral would be the start of a healthier, safer, and more informed society.