Nationwide Pro Spotlight: Elizabeth G, PRO Hair Color Specialist
Elizabeth is a PRO hair color specialist in Newhall, CA. Book her mobile hair services on the number one health & beauty app in the nation!
Need a PRO hair color specialist in CA? Look no further!
Our talented PROs come from all over the United States. We've recently had the chance to chat with Elizabeth, one of our hair color specialists located in Newhall, CA. She works with adults and children, and provides many other hair care services, depending on your needs. During our interview, Elizabeth's positive energy and glowing vibe came through loud and clear. We can absolutely see why her clients love her!
What inspired you to work in the health and beauty industry?
I wanted to help people feel confident about themselves. Luckily, I went to a beauty school that taught me how to do that - to make people feel better. I love helping others.
Tell us about your unique qualities.
I’m unique in everything I do and I believe that my personality is different from others. I’m laid back, chill, and always having a good time with my clients. My salon is very cozy and family-like.
Describe the experience you provide to your clients.
I prioritize the relationship I have with my customers and getting along with them. Making sure that they’re comfortable, cozy, and trust the environment they’re in, is very important for me. They can tell me anything and know that I won’t tell others. [I create] a safe place for anyone.
What is your take on the "perfect client"?
The perfect client, for me, would be open-minded, willing to try new things, and easy to get along with. I love when clients book me with the intention of having fun and sharing a good laugh together.
Are there any classes or training sessions that you're in right now or hoping to join in the future?
Currently, I’m taking classes to specialize in Redken color. I’ve taken tons of hair extension classes in the past and plan on taking more in the future. Next on my list [is more training with] keratin and sew-in hair extensions.
Is there an educational opportunity that you wish existed but currently doesn't?
I wish I could enroll in some barbering classes. Currently, there are no supplementary classes available for barbering. I’m looking into getting my barber’s license, but the only way to receive that is through schooling.
How do you keep up with current trends?
I’m constantly enrolling myself in classes to learn about the latest and greatest - for example, to learn how to foil hair or balayage [in] the most up-to-date way. I also keep up through social media, always online looking for the newest trends.
What new health or beauty trends are you most interested in?
Right now, natural and organic hair care is in. I’m totally sold on the idea behind vegan hair products - they’re safer to use.
In addition to the marketing tools that MOBILESTYLES provides, such as video and shareable profile pages - what other marketing tools and resources do you use?
Instagram, Facebook, and I pass out business cards to market myself.
“In 2016, only 20% of the US was using on-demand mobile apps. That number is now up to 50%.”
What is your opinion of health and beauty services provided through mobile apps?
I think on-demand beauty services are great! Our current society wants instant gratification, so if they’re able to immediately book a hair appointment through an app, then - of course - they’re going to use it!
How do you see this area developing in the future?
It’s in our nature, and I believe it will continue to grow.
Favorite health and beauty products?
I love the Unite haircare line and Redken. Those are my go-to favorites.
We'd love to hear one of your best health and beauty PRO tips.
My best beauty tip is to get a haircut every 2-3 months or more. Most people will believe that their hair is growing, but the truth is that breakage is preventing hair growth and, instead, causing hair to break off. Bi-monthly haircuts guarantee the removal of any breakage in your hair.
In your opinion, what are the most common health or beauty mistakes people make?
The belief that organic haircare doesn’t exist in the beauty world - because it actually does! More and more hair color lines are creating organic products, but many people don’t trust them. Instead, they make their own versions at home, which doesn’t usually work out so well.
Name one health and beauty service everyone needs to try.
Everyone should try my keratin triplex hair masks! The mask produces shine and keeps hair healthy. I especially recommend this treatment for damaged hair. My masks make hair happier!
Health and beauty PROs or celebrities that you dream of collaborating with?
I really, really love Philip Wolff. He’s unique and the way he cuts hair is amazing. I wish I could just be in his presence to soak up all of his knowledge.
What are some obstacles you've had to overcome within this industry?
Learning how to comfort my clients as a newcomer in the industry. With new clients especially, they tend to get nervous when I share my graduation date with them. However, once I show them my past work, they immediately relax.
How do you plan on becoming the best in your field of work?
For me, education is key. Even if you’ve been working in the industry for 20 years, you should continue to update yourself by taking classes - small or large - to know what’s trending.
What’s the best advice you’ve received?
The best advice I received was to never say no, to get comfortable with being uncomfortable, and to put myself out there.
What advice would you give to an aspiring PRO?
It might seem scary at first. You might go to beauty school thinking you can’t do this, but you can! It’s not as hard as you think, and you’ll make so many new friends along the way. It’s a really great industry to work in!
If you're in the Newhall area and need a hair color specialist, Elizabeth has you covered!