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How to Keep Calm and Socialize during the Holidays

How to Keep Calm and Socialize during the Holidays

Holidays mean dealing with family, family means dealing with all sorts of personalities that can be very difficult.


Photo: Priscilla Du Preez

We all know that the holidays can be the best time of the year for many. This time of the year is all about happiness, gratitude, and positivity. Nevertheless, there are people who dread the holidays for many various reasons. Holidays mean dealing with family, family means dealing with all sorts of personalities that can be very difficult. But there are family members who are quiet and private by nature who find themselves contemplating how to socialize with others without burning themselves out. Whatever your scenario is, here’s how you can keep calm and socialize during the holidays.


Observe, accept, and secure. You have to remind yourself that you’re only going to see old family members once a year. Whatever history you may have with someone, do your best to keep calm. On the day of, take a passive role. Observe and listen. Accept that you have no control over another’s personality; accept that you can’t change them. And lastly, set secure boundaries. Doing this allows you to focus on the good and simple things and will refrain from bringing up unnecessary drama.


Being one myself, I’ve found the best way to socialize during the holidays while staying calm is by taking a passive and active role. This means being smart with how you interact with people while making sure to take care of yourself. If there are lots of holiday events friends are inviting you to, be picky with the ones you attend. If it’s Thanksgiving and you’re dealing with family, participate in conversations you like and find interesting. Then, once you’re beginning to feel overwhelmed, excuse yourself out of the room. Go outside for a break or anywhere else private where you can recharge and come back inside when you’re ready. Doing this allows you to have a great time during the holiday, and will prevent you from handling too much stress.  


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