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How To Make Your New Year Fresh Start Successful

How To Make Your New Year Fresh Start Successful

It’s time for a New Year, fresh start! As the year comes (very) slowly to an end, we’re all impatiently waiting for the new year to commence.

New Year, fresh start! Let's make it a good one.

Here’s your chance — new year, fresh start! Let’s clear some clutter. As the year goes on, we tend to start to hoard random things every season. Spring comes around, and we start buying new fun things we can use in the warmer weather. Maybe you decided to try gardening. Before the new year comes, go through the different areas of your house and pick items you didn’t use. These can be clothing, appliances, junk mail that builds up, random gadgets you impulse buy, and so many different things.


1. Cull unwanted items

As the year goes on, we tend to start to hoard random things every season. Spring comes around, and we start buying new fun things we can use in the warmer weather. Maybe you decided to try gardening. Before the new year comes, go through the different areas of your house and pick items you didn’t use. These can be clothing, appliances, junk mail that builds up, random gadgets you impulse buy, and so many different things.


2. Deep clean

Obviously, most people do spring cleaning in the new year, but let’s change it up for 2021. Make a list of some deep cleaning tasks you can tackle before the year ends so you can really start the new year fresh. Some things you can add are: wiping the baseboards around the house, cleaning the inside and outside of your windows, or wiping down all the blinds! Whatever it is, it’ll definitely make you feel good knowing it’s done.

3. Delete old photos and apps on your phone

Sometimes we forget that clutter starts to pile up digitally as well. Take some time every day to go through your phone’s gallery and delete unnecessary photos - like random screenshots, silly memes, or accidental pics. You’d be surprised how nice it feels to keep that clean. After you tackle the gallery, go through your apps! There’s probably an exceptional amount of apps on your phone you definitely don’t need.


4. Redecorate a space

Nothing says “fresh” like moving furniture around. Sometimes we spend too long with our rooms looking the same way. When you take the time to move stuff around, it feels like a brand new space. This can even motivate you to do more in that room. For example, moving your home office around may give you the motivation to start working again!


5. Buy a planner

This is a great way to start getting your stuff on track for the new year. A planner can really help you stay organized and even keep you focused on your goals. You can find so many different planners online based on your needs and goals.

This year was a tough one for all of us, but that doesn’t mean we need to start 2022 the same way. Let’s start it with bang — new year, fresh start!


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