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Take Advantage of Our Resources

In order to provide meaningful, beneficial content for yourself as a MOBILESTYLES PRO, we’ve listed beauty business marketing tips on ways you can get started promoting yourself and your portfolio to potential clients.

We are dedicated to continuously expanding our professional beauty marketing initiatives in order to better support our on-demand PROs! Below we’ve listed some beauty business tips that should be a huge help.

Promote Your Weblink

A big part of beauty business marketing is promotion. When you become a PRO, you’ll be given a link that you can share to promote your profile page. This link can be put into “website link” sections of various other sites, including social media platforms!

Be sure to share your weblink so that anyone following you or asking for your portfolio can easily find your page that showcases your work!

Participate in Video Promos

We are always reaching out to our on-demand PROs in order to put the spotlight on them and showcase how great they are! If you’re asked to submit a video, we recommend that you participate so you can direct more traffic to your profile page and expand your beauty business marketing presence. These can also be shared via social media!

Take Part in PRO Spotlights

Each month, we conduct interviews for our Nationwide PRO Spotlight series that showcases some of our best or newest on-demand PROs! Be sure to participate in these promos to have more traffic driven your way.

Use Our Personalized Discount Codes

A great form of beauty industry marketing is discount codes. Every on-demand PRO is given a personalized discount code that they can give to new clients to share with their friends or family. When they share the discount code, they’ll receive Happy Credit™ to their account which can be applied as discounts to future bookings!

Utilize Social Media

Beauty business marketing thrives on social media. Let everyone know that you are now an on-demand PRO through MOBILESTYLES by using your personalized weblink, which is a great way of leading traffic to your professional profile page.

This can be done in a few different ways:

  • Make a short introductory video and send it to us so we can promote your private page.
  • Post an Instagram reel introducing yourself to your audience, including where they can find you using the weblink/promo in the comment section!
  • Take before/after pictures and videos for your profile page and other social media accounts. You can also send these to us so we can post them on the MOBILESTYLES page, as well!

Beauty industry marketing relies a lot of personal touch, so be sure to share who YOU are!

Provide Quality & Diverse Content

A huge part of beauty business marketing is creating desirable content. When creating content for your portfolio or social media, it’s important to to take into account the quality of your photos and videos. Make sure your work really stands out as the centerpiece of the photo or video! Having a variety of different styles and services in your portfolio will show that you are flexible and can provide a multitude of looks.

When producing content for your portfolio, you should always consider the following beauty business tips and standards:

PRO introductory videos

  • Good lighting
  • Selfie style (vertical orientation)
  • High quality resolution
  • Clear sound
  • Short and sweet (10-15 seconds in length)
  • No personal info (i.e. name, phone number, social media handle, business logo, etc.) except for city/state
  • Casual, non-distracting background
  • Professional appearance
  • No nudity

Before/after pictures

Expand your beauty marketing portfolio by taking before/after pictures for every service! Make sure to take high quality pictures (i.e. good lighting, high resolution, different angles, different sizes) to show the detail of work. When potential clients see the stunning work you’ve done, they’ll be inclined to book with you immediately!

Portfolio images

  • Pictures must not contain personal information (i.e. name, phone number, social media handle, business logo, etc.)
  • No nudity or explicit photos
  • Your own images cannot be copyrighted
  • High quality resolution
  • Good lighting
  • Different looks for variety

Make sure you have the best quality photos and videos on your profile page and your beauty marketing portfolio, and that they are constantly updated to make sure clients see a good representation of your work!

Ask for Client Reviews and Stay Active

Another huge part of beauty business marketing is positive feedback. After performing a service at your client’s location, it's important to encourage your client to leave you a review on your profile page. PROs with more positive reviews are likely to receive service requests more often than someone with few or unsatisfactory reviews.

Our algorithm gives more visibility to PROs that accept and perform bookings on a regular basis and have higher review scores, so be sure to stay active and professional! Following the beauty business tips on this page should help!

Join in Our Referral Program

Referrals are important in beauty industry marketing, which is why we offer a rewarding referral program where you’ll be able to share your personalized referral code that’ll provide you and your customers with various discounts to use on upcoming bookings.

Have Your Own Product Line? Partner With Us!

Are you a PRO that also happens to have your own product line and want to expand your beauty industry marketing portfolio? You can contact our Partnership Department in order to learn how you can promote through MOBILESTYLES!

Partner with us!