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New Resolution for the New Year

New Resolution for the New Year!

Too many New Year's resolutions are forgotten about. Here's how you can make an attainable New Year's resolution this year.


Image by Rawpixel 570908 with Unsplash

There are so many things everyone can do to better themselves and make their lives healthier. However, as I am sure you all know from experience, it’s not always realistic to make your New Year's resolution revolves around the topics of “I’m going to workout more” or “I’m going to eat healthier,” simply because they are broad topics and involve more of a lifestyle change. So, this year, instead of making my resolutions something that I have been saying I’m going to do for the past five years, I am going to make it something more attainable.

This year, I am going to focus on saving money in a smarter and easier way. Unlike in the past, where I have thrown random sums of money into my savings account only to go retrieve it that weekend, I am going to download the extremely helpful apps that track my spending and help me invest my money. I know there are a million different apps I can use, but the two I have decided to start with are Mint and Stash.

Mint is an app that tracks your money spending and compares it to your money making, and helps you have more of an idea of where you spend, how you spend, and if you are overspending. It also sends you a weekly pie chart of how you’re doing with your money and if you’re staying on track. Yes, please! Stash, on the other hand, takes out a specified amount of money out of your account (you specify) and invests it into stocks of your choice. You can do anything from $5 up to however much you’re willing to see dip out of your account, and you can set how often you want this to happen. I LOVE this idea because soon enough I’ll open the app and see how much money I have invested and saved, AND I won’t be able to dip into it as easily as I can with my savings.

So, with all that said, this year instead of making a resolution that is difficult to achieve, pick something that can be accomplished in increments!


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