Spring Break Checklist for Road Trips
Can’t travel abroad? Take a local trip using our spring break checklist.
Can’t travel abroad? Take a local trip using our spring break checklist.
Many of us did not get to enjoy the last few Spring Breaks like we wanted to. So, this Spring Break is the perfect time to take a road trip. Just make sure you have a spring break checklist so you aren’t left hundreds of miles from home without being prepared!
So before heading out, check out our Spring Break checklist.
Find Your Destinations
First and foremost, you need to figure out the destinations you want to go to. Many road trippers like to visit cool, exciting, or unique places. So, while you are planning your trip, make a list of the places you want to see. It’s okay to have a long list because you will narrow it down to a trail or road that you can easily follow.
Locate Places to Stay
Now that you have your destinations in mind, it is time to find the places you will rest. Whether it is rest areas, hotels, motels, vacation rentals, or camping spots, you will always need to figure out where you plan on resting or sleeping. You can book many places last minute, but always check the reservation requirements of each place before heading over.
Create a Map
Before heading out, make sure to make a detailed map of where you are going and what you are doing. While getting lost can be fun and exciting, it can also be terrifying and life-threatening at the same time. To avoid getting hurt or too lost, make sure to have a map ready to go before heading out. Luckily with technology, your phone can keep you on course the entire time.
Stock up on the Essentials
Every road trip needs essentials that you cannot forget about. These essentials include snacks, drinks, extra cash, extra tanks of gas, first aid kits, books, games, and other activities to keep you busy when you stop driving. You will be in a vehicle for long periods of time, so you want to make sure you are comfortable and not bored.
Pack the Important Items
Now that the essentials are ready to go, it is time to pack the important items. You will want to make sure you have extra chargers and battery banks, extra identification cards, insurances (health and car), extra toiletries, and emergency contact information. We hope that you do not have to use most of these items, but they are always good to keep on hand just in case.
Check Out Cool and Fun Activities
Every place you plan on visiting or randomly end up will have cool or fun activities for you to participate in. For example, some towns may have interesting parks, museums, or shops you do not want to miss. The best way to learn about these activities is either online or by asking the locals.
Make a Playlist
Since you will be spending most of your time in a car, make sure to have an ultimate music playlist to keep you entertained and awake. You will want a mixture of jams, so you do not get used to the music. If you cannot make a playlist, make a list of radio stations before heading out. And, if you have road trip buddies, they can also add music to the list.
Find the Right Road Trip Partners
While many people travel on their own, it is always more fun with a friend or two along for the ride. These people can help you plan, split costs, help you drive, and make the whole trip fun and memorable. Before finding the right partners, make sure they have the same time off, have a budget in mind, and personally get along with you.
Do Not Forget to Have Fun
When in doubt, you decided on this road trip to have fun, so don’t forget to do that along the way. Make sure to meet new people, take pictures, take videos, and write down the most memorable parts of the trip. Some people even like to make scrapbooks after their trip. No matter what you decide to do, make sure to keep a smile on your face along the way.
So, are you going to put our spring break checklist to good use for planning your next adventurous outing? Remember, no matter where you are, a MOBILESTYLES PRO is close by. Download the app to find a PRO near you today!
Bon, voyage! We hope you have a fun yet safe Spring Break.