This Is Why Every Man Needs to Be Manscaping
Welcome to Manscaping 101: Here we're talking about a few things you should know about how to groom yourself properly downstairs!
Now first question guys—why the hell do you have all that hair? When we were younger we couldn’t wait to grow our first hair. When we did, it was the happiest day of our lives. But along the way, we got lazy and forgot how to manage it.
Men today are starting to look like Chewbacca in the bedroom. When you have to move your hair around to find your junk, there’s an issue. That’s when you know it’s time to have a trim day.
A disposable razor and some soap won’t cut it. Let’s be real, if you’re really covered with hair, and that body of yours looks like a carpet no one wants to walk on, you shouldn’t be shaving anyway. Instead, grab an electric trimmer with a guard that has adjustable settings.
Let’s Cut It Down!
Chest Hair
When a man has a lot of chest hair, it hurts the eyes of everyone they come in contact with; though many guys feel that it’s a turn on for women. It’s really not. Most women prefer a well-groomed man. That doesn’t mean you have to wax your whole body, it just means you need to have more control over your thatch. There are many great electric trimmers that are designed for men, like the Mangroomer Ultimate Pro. So you really have no excuse.
Wax that Back
You’re going to need a little help on this one. And yes, there will be a little pain. But it’s nothing you can’t handle. Have a girlfriend, wife, or friend help you with this service—don’t worry, they’ll know what to do. You shouldn’t be embarrassed to ask for help. Doing this can give you a huge confidence boost and make you feel sexier.
Cut That Bush Down
Manscaping down there could make you feel sexy in and out of the bedroom, less hair in that area can make having "fun" enjoyable for the both of you.
You’ll Feel More Comfortable
having and waxing can make you feel great, in and out of the sheets. If you have never done it before, you’re gonna want to start with a dull razor, something simple. Or you could try something like the Philips Norelco Bodygroom. It’s great for shaving and can be used in the shower as well. Shaving depends on your level of sexual activity. For those who are less active, going longer between shaves is recommended. If you are very active, you are going to want to shave and exfoliate more often to prevent skin irritation. Keeping your pubic hair in check involves proper maintenance, so if the idea sounds scary, I would recommend avoiding the entire situation altogether and going for an occasional trimming instead.