Be Prepared for Emergencies With This Ultimate Car Kit
Don’t let surprise emergencies stop you from doing your job, use this car tool kit!
As an on-demand licensed professional, making your appointments on time and emergency-free is crucial. Check out our ultimate list to get you prepared for any car mishaps!
Make sure you have a car tool kit in case something happens on the way to your next destination!
With on-demand health and beauty apps like MOBILESTYLES to save the day, making your appointment time is critical. The stuff in this car tool kit ensures you can meet your client even if, well, life happens.
Check out our ultimate survival kit to carry in your car for those just-one-of-those-days days.
Ultimate Car Survival Kit
- Inflated spare tire
- Wheel wrench
- Carjack
- Jumper cables
- Flashlight with extra batteries
- Reflective triangles
- First aid kit
- Multipurpose tool
- Water
- Car charger
With the fast-paced industry, having water and a car charger might already be in your car. However, it’s also essential to include additional car tools in case of a flat tire.
Wheel wrench
For less than $40 and a star rating of 4.6 out of 5 on Amazon, you can get this durable wheel wrench with easy storage and easy-to-read instructions.
Although this is a bit on the pricer side, costing $70, let the 4.7 out of 5-star rating convince you why you need this as part of your emergency kit. It’s lightweight, constructed of high-grade aluminum with removable locking support pins to ensure it stays in place.
Jumper cables
If your car battery ever dies and you need a jump start, this will save you. They’re 10-gauge copper-clad aluminum cables for starting a dead or weak car battery. It’s heavy-duty and won’t break the bank! For less than $15, you can purchase it here.
First aid kit
With a rating of 4.7 out of 5 on Amazon and under $10, there’s no excuse not to have this in your car. This first aid kit contains 100 pieces that meet the United States FDA Regulatory Standards as a medical device.
Multipurpose tool
This mini multipurpose tool is perfect for less than $20 and a rating of 4.4 out of 5 on Amazon. The ten tools included are needle nose spring-loaded pliers, wire cutter, fine-edge blade, package opener, scissors, flat screwdriver, crosshead screwdriver, bottle opener, tweezer, and file. You can find it here.
If you’re unsure of how to customize your car tool kit, there are many kits available! Our priority at MOBILESTYLES is your safety. We hope you find this information helpful. If you think we’re missing something in this ultimate survival kit for busy on-demand professionals, let us know on the @mobilestylesapp Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter!