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A Golden Natural Cure 2 Lemon Peel for Arthritis Recipes

A Golden Natural Cure: 2 Lemon Peel for Arthritis Recipes

A tad of lemony peel a day keeps the nagging doctor away! These two lemon peel for arthritis recipes will help heal your joints quickly!

Did you know? Bits of lemon peel for arthritis will not only zest up your palate but provide sigh-worthy relief for your aching joints. One of our below special recipes will have you skirting the unsavory “peel” taste of this highly beloved fruit, entirely.

Feel years younger with our twin lemon peel for arthritis recipes! Both our topical application and drinkable infusion are all-natural remedies that are easy to whip up on any kitchen counter. Put on your apron and believe yourself a remedy-from-scratch kitchen maven when you trust Mother Nature to ward off your joint pain.

Live an ouch-free life with our two trusty citrus peel recipes below!

Suffering from joint pain or know someone who is? Lemon peel is frequently perceived as a throw-away, inedible part of the fruit. Luckily for us, our ancestors figured out that topically applying the zest of this beautifully colored fruit peel on your skin, or drinking it as an infusion, are great ways to all-naturally absorb nutrients that stave off inflammation and all kinds of joint disease.

True, on-the-tongue lemony zest or peel doesn't taste good (like the delightfully zingy juice of the pulp), but it contains ten-times more vitamin C and a range of anti-inflammatory substances that keep joint aches and pains well at bay. These are magnificent reasons to add lemon peel to your diet or topical lotion regime.


Today, we want to share with you two easy-to-make recipes that concentrate the beneficial properties of lemon peel so that your body gets a super-dose of this all-too-wholesome cure. Apply or drink when needed!

Topical Lemon Peel Lotion

This home remedy not only alleviates the symptoms linked to joint pain and inflammation, it fortifies and beautifies your skin, delivering much-desired nutrients to your skin and body circulatory systems so that every organ in your body receives nourishment.


- 2 large lemons
- 1 cup (200 mL) olive oil
- A few drops eucalyptus oil
- 1 glass jar (with a lid)
- Seran wrap
- Clean bandages
- Cheesecloth
- A warm scarf


Peel the lemons, then chop the peel into fine bits. Place the fine lemon peel bits in the empty glass jar. Add the olive oil so that it completely covers the lemony bits. Tip the eucalyptus oil bottle into the glass jar so that several drops of the oil fall into the mixture. Close the jar with its lid and place in a cool dark place for 14 days.

Following the two weeks, strain the concoction through cheesecloth — what you have remaining can be used as a pain-relieving topical lotion for your arthritis.

Method of Application

Moisten a cloth bandage in your homemade topical lotion and apply it to the arthritic areas of your body. Then wrap the applied bandage with seran wrap, afterward tying a woolen scarf over the afflicted area. Leave the application on the afflicted area overnight so that your lotion's active compounds take effect as you rest.

Repeat the treatment at least three times a week.


Lemon Zest Tea

Simple, easy, and citrusy flavorful, tea with lemon zest is a great soothing solution for your joint inflammation and pain. When heated, the infusion helps in banishing arthritic aches from your body and should ideally be used in combination with our above described topical lotion. A cure that reaches achy joints, "feeds" your body with nutrients, and even balances the pH of your blood — consider sipping a homey lemon zest tea to beautifully round out your breakfast, snack, or bedtime hour!

In a tasty manner, lemon zest tea heals problems with blood circulation, digestion, and headaches. What a terrific cure for afflictions that can otherwise significantly hamper the active use of your body!



- 1 liter water
- 2 unpeeled lemons
- 1 tsp (7.5 g) honey — measure to taste


Squeeze juice from the unpeeled lemons and create lemon zest with a zester. Pour a liter of water into a pan set to medium heat. Boil for 10 minutes, stirring in the zest in the meantime. When the time is up, remove the pan from the stove and then add the lemon juice.

Sweeten with a dollop of honey so you can drink a cup or two of the lemon zest tea anytime during the day — ideally on an empty stomach.

Drink twice a day for best results.

Lemon peel for arthritis is your most stalwart ally in the fight against joint pain. Buy a bevy of lemons, use the zest, but love the fruit for what it can do for your health! From head to toe, the peel of the fruit can revolutionize your body’s healing by a factor of 10.

Lemon peel concoctions are life savers and sooo easy to make! Let us know which recipe delights you the most by tagging @mobilestylesapp on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!


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