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4 Tactics for Fending Off Decision Overload

4 Tactics for Fending Off Decision Overload

A sufferer of decision overload? Take our advice on developing nerves of steel when affliction strikes.

Is decision fatigue a constant in your life? Let’s shake you out of being stuck with decision overload.

Because you're the captain of your life, only you can make the decisions that steer the ship of your life to its destination. However, the experts know: decision overload is everywhere. Pump up your emotional and intellectual horsepower with the 4 tactics we delve into below, so that you feel ready and charged to make decisions that empower you.

Make every decision as high-impact as you can make it, when you read our decision overload-busting strategies below!


Strategy #1: Don't make the same decision twice

A lot of your decisions are the same simple choices that come at you, again and again. When you have to dwell on whether to say "Yes," to a client request, or develop a policy for talking with a beauty PRO consultant, help yourself in spades by simply making the decision once. Then document your how-to process for doing it, or automate it. When the decision faces you again in the future, you’ll more or less know exactly what to do. For example, when you are asked about compensation changes, parental leave, vacation approvals, or the like, having a documented policy can save you a ton of grief.

Strategy #2: Delegate your decisions to others

Micromanaging is a nightmare for those who carry it out, as well as for those who are subjected to it. Micromanaging not only zaps your mind energy, but it can also spoil your relationships. When you've fallen into the trap of overthinking non-essential choices, the easiest PRO solution is to delegate your management task to someone who is capable of stepping up to the plate. Clinging to trivial decisions in your life is not the way to go about it. Delegate more so that you can save your awesome brainpower for the truly important decisions of your life.


Strategy #3: Work out a process for the harder decisions

Focus on building processes that ultimately help make your final hard decision an easier one to make. For example, someone on your PRO team may have a creative idea for your health and beauty business. Set up a documented process by having that person fill out a one-page summary of the idea that delivers the big-picture nitty-gritty of profitability — that is, his or her rationale for the idea, background information, resources required, and an estimated idea of costs vs. profit. Erecting documented processes for others to fill out will greatly help you boil down your final decision answers to the simplest of “yes or no”s.

Strategy #4: Take great care of yourself

Biochemical reactions in your beloved body influence your decisions — period. (For example, few people can deny the link between bad sleep and poor decision-making.) It's just a plain fact that your best decisions typically come about when you're in a good place, physically. This includes eating right, getting regular exercise, and sleeping well. By recharging your mental energy battery regularly, you'll make choices and decisions that are the best you can make ‘em, most of the time.


Implementing our best points of advice above means your problems with decision overload will likely be busted! Sit down and spend a day or two documenting your policies and processes so that the decision anxiety gremlin stays a mile away from you — for good.

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