The Pedi "Cure": How To Take Care of Your Summer Pedicure
Fix your dry, cracked winter feet with a good summer pedicure.
How can you make your summer pedicure last longer?
You’ve been hiding your feet all winter in socks and slippers, but summer is finally here, and it’s time to expose those tootsies to the world. That’s right folks, it’s time for a summer pedicure. Yes, they’re expensive, but worth every penny. In light of that, how can we make them last longer? Maybe you’re the sporty type — that’s OK! Maybe you’re the lounging type — that’s OK too. No matter what you do on the daily, you’ll want your pedicure to last. So let’s take a look at some tips that will keep your pedicure from looking old and decrepit too soon after your summer salon debut!
Take care of your summer pedicure so it will stand the test of time.
Clear your plate for the rest of the day.
Exercise, work in the yard, and do anything else that might impact a fragile new pedicure before you go to your appointment. Nail polish, on average, doesn’t completely harden for up to 12-24 hours. Ever put on socks hours after a pedicure and noticed when you went to take them off that they stuck a little to the nail polish? Such a bad feeling! Just make sure you can wear flip flops for the rest of the day afterward so that your polish can have plenty of air to dry and harden naturally.
Whatever you do, bring sandals or flip flops to your appointment!
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT expect to be able to put on closed-toe shoes after your pedicure appointment. Most salons have those weird single-use flip flops, and I guess that’s fine if you’re OK with driving home in those, but don’t think for a second that you can put sneakers on. Forget about it! Friction with nail polish, even hours after it was applied, can cause damage.
Stay dry!
We hope you went to the pool that morning, because you shouldn’t be dipping your toes in any water for about a day after your pedicure. Skip the shower if you can, too. Take one tomorrow. If you want your pedicure to last, you’ll let it breathe dry and beautiful air for about 24 hours after your appointment. By the way, chlorine is terrible for nail polish, but we know pools are irresistible. So if you must indulge in pools for hours on end, just rinse your feet with water and apply unscented lotion. It’ll go a long way!
As much as we know you want to show off that pretty summer pedicure, it might be good to wear sneakers every now and then after a couple of days. The more you expose your toes, the more likely damage can occur to the polish. Apply a top coat after a few days since the top coat the salon applied will have worn off by then, and don’t forget to get a polish that matches for touch-ups. You’ll need to go in for another pedicure at least every month during the summer, but at least your pedicure will last successfully in the meantime!
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