Bloating 101: Common Causes and What You Can Do About It
We’ve compiled this bloating 101 to help you discover all about the causes and cures of that uncomfortable feeling.
Check out our thorough bloating 101 and get to the bottom of your symptoms.
Banish the bloat once and for all!
Bloating is totally normal, but when it starts to impact your life, it’s time to do something about it. Check out this comprehensive bloating 101 guide to help find out what might be causing your discomfort, and get back to feeling like yourself again.
Almost everyone experiences bloating at some point in their life. The feeling of fullness and pressure after an indulgent holiday meal, for example, is something many of us have felt! However, if you’re starting to notice these unpleasant symptoms creeping in a little more frequently than you’d like, it’s important to take a step back and assess what might be causing them.
- Dairy products, especially those high in lactose, and particularly if you have an intolerance to lactose, meaning that your body isn’t able to digest it properly. Don’t stress if this is you — there are so many great alternatives out there now!
- Beans and lentils are super nutritious and can make up a part of a healthy balanced diet, but for many, they can be difficult to stomach. This is because they contain indigestible sugars known as oligosaccharides.
- Some fruits and vegetables cause gas. Okay, so we’re totally not trying to ruin your healthy diet plan here, promise! Again, having adequate amounts of these foods is essential for good health. It’s just that for those with sensitive stomachs, it may be better to avoid the ones that are known to cause bloating for you. Common culprits include veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, and sprouts.
- Artificial sweeteners — for example, the sweetener sorbitol, which is found in a variety of pre-packaged products, as well as fructose, can be triggers for some.
What else can I do?
Certain lifestyle factors can also either lead to or exacerbate bloating symptoms. Simple things you may be doing and not even thinking about such as drinking through straws, chewing gum, and eating too quickly can all contribute.
Here are some accessible, straightforward tips to integrate into your daily routines that may help to reduce your likelihood of that feeling of mounting pressure:
- Take regular exercise. This helps to keep your digestive system moving!
- Chew with your mouth closed. This isn’t just a good etiquette thing your parents taught you as a kid! It also means that you swallow less excess air.
- Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, which can ultimately contribute to bloating.
- Take your time when eating. Slow and steady wins the race! Plus, you get to savor your yummy food for longer.
Remember, if you’re still suffering after making changes and you’re concerned about how your body feels, make sure you get thoroughly checked out by a professional.
Feel your best this summer by taking small steps to look after your health. We hope this bloating 101 has helped you discover a way forward. Another way to guarantee that you look and feel great this season is to book an appointment with a MOBILESTYLES PRO! Download the app today on the App Store or Google Play.