Facial Hair for Face Shape: What Suits You?
Facial hair for face shape: Should you go with a full and thick beard or sharp angles along the jawline? Here’s everything you need to know.
Determining the best facial hair for face shape is critical for looking your best.
With this guide, you can find the right cut that complements your natural features.
Male grooming and facial hair are here to stay. That’s why figuring out the best facial hair for face shape is vital to looking your best. We’ll get you started on the basics — here’s what you need to know.
You can get away with almost any beard style with an oval face shape. The oval face shape has increased versatility, as it has both square and round features. The balance doesn’t require you to balance out asymmetries and distinct features like other face shapes. Instead, your primary focus should be a clean and well-kept beard with an oval face shape.
Consider timeless and classic styles with facial hair squared at the jawline. You’ll want clean lines along the cheeks, a short trim on the side, and a cut underneath. Just be sure not to go overboard on a beard or mustache, as it can throw things off if you aren’t careful.
Rectangle faces have a lot of freedom compared to other facial shapes and sizes. Although you have a longer face, you can get away with fuller cheeks and longer styles. Longer, angular, and pointy styles accentuate your face length and ruin your symmetry. Instead, opt for facial hair higher on the cheekbones to create the impression of a wider jawline.
Triangle faces have the opposite effect of “heart” shapes, meaning the goal is to make the chin less prominent. If you can, consider a “beard stache” or a mustache with a bit of stubble. The beard stache is a unique style that draws other eyes higher up on your face and creates a distinctive shape with a masculine edge.
Be sure to avoid thicker and fuller cheeks, as these styles will make your jawline appear too wide. Instead, consider clean sideburns further down on the face and squared facial hair on the chin. Another option is to forego facial hair altogether, as triangular face shapes can pull off clean-cut looks exceptionally well.
Although a well-kept beard is crucial to any face shape, round faces should never overlook beard grooming. Large, unkempt facial hair will emphasize the curvature of your face. Instead, you’ll need to take special care and create a more angular style.
Look for triangular-shaped cuts that are shorter on the cheeks and longer on the chin. You might consider a goatee with light stubble on the cheek to highlight your chin. This style of cut will create a flattering and trimming look.
Unfortunately, heart face shapes have the opposite problem of a triangle face, meaning they have a weaker and less pronounced chin. Fuller and larger beards will make your face appear smaller. You’ll want to consider light stubble on the sides for a more masculine look while highlighting your natural features. You can add a mustache to create depth and volume to your jawline, enhancing your look even further.
Others may be envious of a powerful jawline, but it does have considerations to be aware of. You have a more prominent jawline, so square bears with sharp lines and right angles aren’t favorable. Instead, look for styles that make the chin more rounded or triangular.
For instance, you might consider goatee-style beards that lengthen the chin. These styles will create a softer look while remaining sleek and masculine. Furthermore, goatee-style beards will bring attention to and highlight other features on your face, like the eyes.
If you have a diamond face shape, you have broad cheekbones and a smaller forehead and jawline. You’ll want to have a bit of hair on your chin to balance out your cheekbones. Squaring off your prominent chin can enhance your natural bone structure, as well.
However, don’t go overboard on the length of your chin, as too many angles have the opposite effect. Wider hair on the cheeks and the edge of the jawbone will square off the look. Go light on your mustache to further enhance your cheeks and jawline.
So, what’s the best facial hair for face shape? The answer depends on your growth style, size, and shape. You can use this guide to inspire ideas for your barber. Consider bringing pictures of celebrity styles or asking your barber what they recommend. Either way, a well-maintained beard is fundamental to looking your best.
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