Ways to Protect Your Skin from Sun Damage
Protecting your skin from sun damage is vital in order to avoid harmful effects. We're giving you the best tips to avoid sun damage here.
Image by Sven Scheuermeier with Unsplash
Unfortunately, throughout time, the fact that the sun can seriously damage your skin has not been debunked. Instead, it has just proven to be more and more accurate, and if you have soaked your skin in the rays, I’m sure you have noticed the impacts it has. From drying out your skin to burning it to causing long term issues like cancer, the sun has very damaging side effects if you aren’t careful.
Luckily, there are many people out there working to create solutions to already damaged skin, as well as preventative actions that will protect your ever so beautiful skin.
SPF everyday
Whether you are running to get groceries or leaving for the entire day, there is no better way to start your day and protecting your skin, than slapping on some SPF. I can’t stress this enough, if you want to protect your beautiful face from the sun, add layering on the SPF to your morning routine... even if it’s cloudy outside. There is truly no excuse not to, especially considering makeup brands have even started putting IN their foundations. You’ll not only save your face from getting burned, but you’ll maintain a picturesque look as you age.
Continuously moisturize
The sun drains the moisture from your skin, hence why when we get too much of it, we start to peel. So, instead of letting this happen, apply lotion frequently to keep your skin happy, moisturized, and, best of all, smooth. If you can, or are willing to go out and purchase a new lotion, make sure to get one with aloe vera in it.
Image by Chris Knight with Unsplash
Get facials
Facials do everything for your face from moisturizing it to cleaning off the dead skin cells to boosting its natural brightness. Your dermatologist and facial esthetician are the absolute number one people you should be going to, to treat damaged skin. They’ll be able to analyze your skin and determine the best treatments to revive it, prevent future damage, and keep it looking young and fresh. If you don’t have a facial esthetician or don’t have the time to find one, use the health and beauty app Mobile Styles. They’ll send you a facialist straight to your doorstep, and you’ll be looking baby faced in no time.