How Spontaneity Can Change Your Life for the Better
Living a spontaneous lifestyle can change your life in ways you’d never expect.
My family has always been one that craves spontaneity. My brother moved to New Zealand on a whim to become a raft guide. My dad bought a ski shop in his early 20s so he could live in Colorado. As for me, I recently packed my bag and drove out to Los Angeles without any place to live or knowledge of the area. To me, living this so-called spontaneous lifestyle isn’t out of boredom or need for something new, but it’s out of excitement for what could be and what I could learn about this world and myself.
When an opportunity skips across your plate, grab it! Even if it seems completely crazy if you have the chance to do something wild, do it. Living a spontaneous lifestyle can change your life in ways you’d never expect. Now, I’m not saying you should quit your job and move to Bali. What I’m saying is go on that camping trip even though you’ve never set up a tent or learn to surf with that random group of people you met at the bar.
By living a spontaneous and out of the ordinary life, you are giving yourself the opportunity to experience things you might otherwise not get to. When I first went to college, my brother told me to say yes to everything (within reason) and to experience life without boundaries and it was the best advice I have ever received. By saying yes to new adventures and people, you are opening up your life to new experiences, you are giving yourself the opportunity to learn things about yourself, about this world, and who knows maybe you’ll even find a talent that you didn’t know you had.
Living a spontaneous lifestyle means pushing your comfort zone. It means putting yourself in a position that challenges you and breaking down barriers that are holding you back from living your life. It is so important in life to enjoy your free time, to experience all the beauty that life has to offer, to be able to go to bed at night thinking I tried something new.
By putting yourself out there and having an open mind, you’re giving yourself the chance to change your life, the opportunity to move somewhere random and start over, the ability to experience something that maybe one day you can show someone else. So go out there and say yes to living, give yourself these chances to explore a new beginning.