Mistakes to Avoid When Traveling this Labor Day Holiday
A three-day weekend calls for travel! However, watch out so you don’t make these mistakes when you’re traveling this Labor Day holiday.
Staycations are fun for anyone looking to get out for a bit and spread their wings. But if you’ve been looking for an excuse to road trip to national parks or hang out in a swanky hotel in Las Vegas, Labor Day may be your chance!
Now, before you pack up and hit the road, here are a few things to remember!
Don’t overpack!
It’s three days, relax. You don’t need to bring everything but the kitchen sink. Bring your essentials, and that’s it!
Don’t forget to give yourself extra time.
So many people will be on their way out of town, you need to prepare. If you can leave right after work in the wee hours of the morning when people are still asleep.
Don’t go at it alone.
Any time you can get a buddy to go with you, do so! It will save both of you money, and you can take turns driving.
Don’t keep visiting the same place.
Familiarity is fun, but seeing new sites can be even better. Take this time to act like a tourist!
Don’t leave too late.
When the weekend is over, the worst thing you can do is wait until the last minute to get on the road. Trust me, everyone will. There will be a small window in the morning before brunch when you probably won’t see as many people on the road as you would later in the day.
My recommendation for three day weekends like this one is to explore something new. It’s the perfect amount of time to see a new place and get everything you want out of it in a short time. Of course, you can only really do this locally (unless you have a private jet on standby), but it's a great time to go exploring. And I’ve saved the best for last. DO spend this time only on the things you want to do! Work will be there when you get back. It doesn’t go anywhere. So have fun and use these tips to make it the most efficient traveling experience.