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Save VS Spend Where To Invest In Your Skin Products

Save VS Spend: Where To Invest In Your Skin Products

Should you spend money investing in your skin? The short answer is: yes. However, you should know which products are worth the extra cost.

It’s always good to know how much to invest in your skin products.

We all feel good when we save money buying items we want. Whether we get a great deal, purchase products on sale, or use coupons, getting more for our buck is worth it. With the beauty industry being a billion-dollar, worldwide business, saving cash on our makeup, skincare, and beauty regimen is a welcome pleasure.

What about the times when the saying “You get what you pay for” is true? There are skincare lines and products that might cost more than other brands for the same type of item, but spending extra dollars is productive and well worth it. Sometimes more expensive products are made using finer ingredients that bring better results. Your best bet is to know where to invest in your skin product budget.


Save Money on These Skincare Products

Moisturizers: A daily moisturizer acts as a barrier for your skin, protecting it from outside elements or the makeup you apply over it. Any moisturizer that hydrates your skin works.

Face Masks: For basic face masks, lesser quality ingredients will still help soften and radiate your skin. Homemade masks made from strawberries, honey, oatmeal, and sugar, work just as well as pre-made masks you can purchase at stores and salons. If you want an overnight mask, look for the ingredient hyaluronic acid to help keep your skin looking youthful.

Eye Creams: The more hydrated you keep the skin area around your eyes, the fewer wrinkles you will get. Dehydration leads to wrinkled, puffy skin. Rubbing petroleum jelly around the eye area before going to sleep works wonders to keep your skin soft and supple. Products containing cucumber and cocoa butter also help eliminate wrinkles and make for inexpensive eye creams that work.


Spend Money on These Skincare Products 

Antioxidants: Preservatives in finer brand antioxidants fight UV rays and air exposure that is harsh on your skin. Also, finer products generally contain a larger amount of antioxidants.

Sunscreens: High-end sunscreen brands typically use ingredients containing antioxidants. They also tend to be less runny and greasy when applied. However, sunscreen is important, rain or shine, so make sure you use SPF daily.

Serums: Serums tend to have highly concentrated ingredients that make them thicker than lotions, allowing them to penetrate more deeply into the skin. Ingredients such as green tea, argan oil, and olive oil absorbed into the skin help battle inflammation and protect against harsh outdoor elements.

We all want smooth, healthy, supple skin. It’s important to love the skin you're in, and to invest in your skin’s health. By using skincare products that work, the cost is worth it. Happy skin = happy you!

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