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5 of the Best Homemade Scrubs for Face Care

5 of the Best Homemade Scrubs for Face Care

There's no reason to break the budget when you're buying skincare. The best homemade scrubs for face care don't have to be so expensive!

These are some of our favorite, best homemade scrubs for face care!

It’s always nice to give yourself a little bit of self-care, but purchasing a lot of products can really add up in your bank account. Let’s practice a little bit of some zero waste self-care today with 5 of the best homemade scrubs for face care you can make with ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen!


Basic Unscented Scrub

Sometimes you just need a basic scrub that will keep your face smooth without fragrances. For this scrub you will need a ¼ cup of raw cane sugar and 1 tbsp of melted coconut oil. That’s it!

This is a great scrub to use on your lips, too, since it’s unscented and won’t taste absolutely horrible. If you do want to add a fragrance, a few drops of your favorite essential oil could be beneficial. Don’t add too much, as that will be too drying.


Coffee Scrub

Coffee is known to help reduce inflammation in the skin, provide anti-aging benefits, and give you an energizing glow. Using the same mixture of cane sugar and coconut oil as above, add 1 tbsp of freshly ground coffee to the scrub and mix. Use coffee grounds that are not too coarse but not too fine. However, if your skin is a bit more sensitive, you can mix with espresso grounds instead which will be softer on your face.

Cinnamon Scrub

Cinnamon has antibacterial properties that may help heal your acne. Mix the ¼ cup of cane sugar with the melted coconut oil. Add about 2 tsp of cinnamon to the scrub and mix. This scrub can help remove acne by drying out the skin and helping blood flow back to your face. Not only is it beneficial, but it will smell absolutely amazing!


Turmeric Scrub

Adding a little bit of turmeric to your basic DIY scrub will provide plenty of benefits. From anti-inflammatory properties to reducing your dark circles, turmeric is a must-have in your skincare routine. Add 1 tsp of turmeric to your mixture. Careful: don't leave it on your face for too long, as it may dye your skin!


Green Tea Scrub

Did you know that you can use the leaves from your morning tea in your skincare routine? Add a bag of green tea to your scrub for some antimicrobial properties that may help the treatment of acne and oily skin. A double dose of the magical green tea today is exactly what our body needs.

Did you enjoy this list of the best homemade scrubs for face care? Let us know what you would include!


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