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5 Male Makeup Influencers That Prove Makeup is Not Only for Women

5 Male Makeup Influencers That Prove Makeup is Not Only for Women

Here are a few male makeup influencers who've made impressive strides in bridging the makeup gender gap.

Keep an eye out for these game-changing male makeup influencers!

It’s pretty well known that makeup has always been advertised to women. However, over the years men have started to feel less pressure from society to look or act a certain way, and have more freedom to be creative. Thanks to social media, there are people from all walks of life that you can see and become inspired by when it comes to makeup - and that includes men!

Here are 5 male makeup influencers that show makeup is not just for women anymore.


Patrick Starrr

Patrick Starrr has been growing incredibly fast in the beauty guru community. He has collaborated with A-list celebrities, such as the Kardashians, and has made quite a name for himself. Patrick's looks are generally bold and full of glam, and he often does very creative special effects work, too. You can find him on YouTube or follow him on Instagram, @patrickstarrr.


James Charles

James Charles started on YouTube around the age of 19 and his channel has since grown to almost 17 million subscribers. James holds the title of the first male Covergirl spokesperson, a partnership which naturally gained him a lot of fame. His looks are very glam yet can be easily worn as an everyday look. You can follow him on Instagram, @jamescharles.


Jeffree Star

Jeffree Star is a self-made millionaire and CEO of his own eponymous cosmetics line. He started as a controversial public figure on Myspace and has gone through a lot of interesting life changes. Today, he’s one of the most successful beauty influencers, with over 17 million subscribers on his YouTube channel.

Shane Dawson

Shane Dawson only recently involved himself in the beauty community, when he started an eyeshadow palette collection with Jeffree Star and began to earn his place into the community. Shane's received mostly praise on his transition into makeup, and his relatability and humble demeanor are what makes him so popular with his audience. Head over to his YouTube channel and follow him on Instagram, @shanedawson.


Angel Merino

Angel Merino, or mac_daddyy on social media, is a professional makeup artist and entrepreneur. He is the CEO & Founder of his cosmetics company, Artist Couture. Angel’s looks are classier and considered to be more "wearable" for most people. Angel also has a YouTube channel, though not as large as most influencers - currently with less than 200k subscribers. 

It’s amazing to see so many male makeup influencers finally feeling like they can show more of their creativity with makeup and not feel ashamed in using it. Makeup is inherently genderless and we’re excited to support all the ways in which all people use it to express themselves.


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