It’s Not Too Late to Create a Crazy Summer Bucket List: Here’s What We’re Looking Forward to
2020 has sure been a wild ride, but summer is still here to accomplish your crazy summer bucket list ideas.
Check out this crazy summer bucket list for ideas this year!
Looking back on such a turbulent few months, one thing is evident: our priorities definitely underwent a much needed reset during our time under lockdown. Now that we can seize little moments of joy, we’re planning everything a little bit differently than other years.
While the mercury remains high on thermometers and we make the most of long, cloudless evenings, here’s what we’re focusing on for our crazy summer bucket lists.
Supporting local businesses
From restaurants and coffee spots to craft stores and farmers markets, our favorite small businesses took a major hit this year. Now that we can, it’s time to support and lift the businesses that need it the most. When the time calls for it, aim to visit your local independents when picking up gifts, for al fresco dining or for safe, responsible socializing.
Day tripping
There’s virtually nothing more restorative than spending some time immersed in greenery, at the beach or near a lake. As far flung and international travel is perhaps off the cards for a lot of people this summer, remember the abundance of scenic beauty easily reached in a quick car, train or bus ride.
Supporting the arts
Alongside local businesses, the arts need your support now more than even. Be sure to check community notice boards, local blogs and events listings to see what’s going on right on your doorstep. No doubt, physically experiencing art, music and theatre is going to seem more compelling than ever.
Now that our favorite family-ran and indie bookstores, not to mention public libraries, are back in action, it’s time to add some new reads to our repertoire.
Be a tourist
We all have a tendency to overlook and roll our eyes at the token and cliché tourist attractions that are nestled in our own towns and cities. Well, no time like the present to book that historical tour, visit that museum you constantly walk past or eat that snack that people line up around the block for. Don’t forget to take silly tourist pictures too to make it as authentic as possible! In all honesty, the ‘cheesier’ your quintessential ‘faux tourist’ day plan, the better.
Digital detox
Is it just us, or are you totally maxed out on technology at this stage of the year? After all, there’s a reason the term “Zoom fatigue” has already been coined. Sure, we’re so lucky that we had the technological means at our disposal to stay connected during the pandemic, but taking a full day to totally switch off from notifications, calls, and texts sounds like pure bliss right now.
Hopefully this crazy summer bucket list checks off some of your interests!