Teaching Diversity at Home to be More Inclusive and Understanding
The world is an increasingly diverse and dynamic place, which is why we want to ensure teaching diversity at home is commonplace.
Teaching diversity at home is critical for building moral character in our children.
The onus remains on parents to be the primary educators when it comes to teaching their children how to be more welcoming to everyone.
Below are some ways you can begin teaching diversity at home that fosters a more inclusive mindset and attitude amongst little ones.
Playdates are commonplace in every community, giving kids the chance to further bond with others their own age and also offering an occasional much-needed afternoon breather for parents. Ask yourself, is there someone that has potentially been overlooked in your child’s class or your neighborhood whom you can invite over? Unfortunately, children with disabilities, special needs or those from certain backgrounds can often be left out of traditional social hierarchies, so be cognisant of that when sending out invites to your child’s next playdate or party.
Explain differences
Children certainly don’t hold back from asking glaringly obvious things, such as “Why does that person look different to me?” Don’t just shrug off questions that are sometimes uncomfortable or awkward and be sure to properly articulate your explanations, in a sensitive manner, to encourage your child to be more worldly.
Be a role model
Little ones follow by example, so how can you expect to encourage openness and inclusion without leading the way? Keep informed and educate yourself on important social issues so you can bypart your own learnings to your family. Ditto: speaking up and engaging in initiatives and campaigns that really matter in your local area and beyond.
Diversify content
In 2020, there’s no shortage of toys and incredible content including picture books, movies, audiobooks and music that can illustrate to children how diverse and exciting the world truly is. Put simply — there’s far more to kids entertainment these days than pretty blonde Disney princesses and traditional Action Man figures.
Making friends
Teach your children the importance of identifying people who may struggle socially and how life changing it can be to reach out to them. After all, every one of us remembers a moment where we felt out of our depth (whether it was at age five or 25!) Inspire your family to make an extra effort to befriend anyone who is extra shy or those who may typically be marginalized.
Stand up
Equally as important as being inclusive and tolerant of all cultures and backgrounds is standing up to injustice. It is imperative that your children are taught how to identify and call out bullying and wrongdoing when they witness it. Peer pressure is a powerful thing, and children are impressionable at best. A strong moral compass is one of the greatest attributes you can bypart on to your offspring.
Encourage originality
When a child’s own individuality is encouraged, they are far more likely to celebrate unique quirks and traits in others. Some of the most important wisdom you can teach youth is how our individualities are precious and valuable, and in turn, make each of us our own special person. In the same vein, remember to highlight that it’s OK (great, in fact!) to go against the status quo and just be yourself.
Do you have any other ways of teaching diversity at home? Let us know!