Say “I Do” to Planning Your Dream Quarantine Wedding
The pandemic may be ruining tons of our scheduled plans, but that isn’t going to stop us from planning an awesome quarantine wedding!
Check out how to plan an amazing quarantine wedding, even during a pandemic.
Planning a wedding is stressful and time-consuming. Now add a worldwide virus, and you may start to feel defeated. You don’t have to give up the wedding of your dreams! Instead, take a few extra steps to make sure your nuptials go as smooth as possible. Below, we’ve laid out a few ways to plan a quarantine wedding during this pandemic.
Don’t Panic
Between social distancing, lockdowns, and businesses closing, planning a wedding is stressful and almost impossible. Yes, almost impossible, but it is possible. The first step is not to panic. Panicking will only cause more stress and make you dread your wedding. Instead, take a step back and breathe. Prepare your mind and body. Be ready to make compromises, the key is to stay happy because you are marrying the love of your life.
If your wedding is planned during the pandemic, you may need to reschedule for sometime in 2021. This option may not be possible or ideal for many couples, but if your venue and your schedule allows you to move the date around — do it. This will not only allow you to invite more guests, but this lets you and your guests stay safe until the state of the world’s health is better. Always remember that the sooner you reschedule, the more availabilities your venue will have. If you decide to wait until the last minute, your wedding venue may be booked for 1 or more years.
Be Flexible
Flexibility is one of the biggest traits to have in order to plan successfully. Many vendors, venues, and wedding shops, have modified business hours. They have also adapted social distance measures that adhere to CDC regulations as a response to COVID-19. Also, many companies have longer than normal wait times since many people are calling to reschedule. To make planning for your wedding easier, be flexible with meetings, appointments, merchandise stock, and available vendors. You may need to do many days of research and calling around, with persistence, but don’t worry, you will find everything you need for your upcoming nuptials.
Find Secluded Venues
If you are still having a wedding during the pandemic, try to find a large, secluded venue, so you can have enough space for all your guests to have fun and continue social distancing. The best venues are outdoor spaces. With a spacious, remote area, you can still set up your dream wedding and reception.
Enforce Health & Safety
One of the most important planning tips you need to remember is to enforce health and safety protocols. You should always be following your nation’s, state’s, and county’s guidelines when it comes to events and celebrations. Some places are allowing events to 50 guests or less while others are not allowing any gatherings. If you have your wedding, make sure to have many areas equipped with hand sanitizer, masks, gloves, and disinfectant. Also, place invitations with a notice for guests to stay home if they are sick, experience any symptoms, or are around people with symptoms.
Ask Guests to Get Tested
Many couples that are continuing their wedding plans have asked their guests to get tested a couple of days before the wedding to make sure everyone who is attending, isn’t a carrier of the coronavirus. This suggestion is a little bit harder to achieve, but it gives you peace of mind that your guests are not contaminating one another. You can notify your guests about this requirement through a separate letter or as part of the invitation. If any of your guests are attending from your city or town, you may want to include a few clinics that are offering COVID-19 testing.
Having a wedding during a pandemic doesn’t have to be that stressful. By following these steps, you will be able to plan an amazing quarantine wedding.