10 Ways to Help Keep Life Simple
We all struggle with keeping a well-balanced life and schedule. Here are some ways to help you keep life simple and enjoyable!
These tips will go a long way in helping you keep life simple!
We’ve been programmed to feel like we’re supposed to be busy 24/7 or we’re not being the best we can be. Well, we’re here to tell you that it’s not true. It’s time for us to slow down, cut ties with bad habits, and keep life simple.
1. Prep meals for the week ahead of time
Prepping what you’re going to eat for lunch for the week every day can make the rest of your week so much easier to deal with. Not having to think, “What am I going to eat today?” can save yourself from a lot of unnecessary stress. Additionally, making your meals at home.
2. Set a time to check social media
Instead of spending all day scrolling through social media, wasting time, set a time every day to check all of your apps. The amount of time we spend on social media can really be detrimental to our mental health and limiting that when we can is always beneficial.
3. Cancel subscriptions
Sometimes we forget things we signed up for! Check all of your bank statements for any recurring subscriptions and decide if you want to cancel them or continue them. Sometimes you’ll find you’ve been paying for something you haven’t used in months.
4. Remove yourself from unnecessary emails
We tend to fill our emails with newsletters from all kinds of websites, but do we really need to see these? Everytime you get one of these emails, instead of just deleting them, unsubscribe from it. This will eventually keep your email clean and free of junk!
5. Cancel your cable
In a world where we have so many streaming services to choose from, cable seems like an unnecessary luxury you don’t really need. Cancel your cable and save that extra money by just subscribing to Netflix or Hulu. You’ll find yourself with less stress knowing you don’t have the looming cable company over your head.
6. Automate your bill payments
Sometimes it’s not possible for some people to do this, but if you find you have the means for automatic payments, you should do this every time you can. Not having to worry if you forgot to pay a bill will make your life so much easier.
7. Regularly donate things
Once a month you should scan your house for items or furniture you realize you don’t need and are just taking up space in your home. As the years go on, we tend to pick up things we get as gifts, at stores, or just find a fun item at a tag sale. A good rule of thumb is to donate an item every time you bring something new into your home.
8. Choose a bike over a car
This will certainly not work for everyone, but if you live somewhere where everything is conveniently nearby, it may be beneficial for you to sell your car and switch to using a bike. You’ll not only save a lot of money on fees, maintenance, and car loans, but you’ll have less stress knowing you don’t have to worry about taking care of your car.
9. Make your own cleaning products
Cleaning products are actually one of the easiest things to make with ingredients you most likely already have at home. Since they last so long, it will take you almost no effort to make a product one weekend and have it for months.
10. Spend an hour a day on a hobby
It doesn’t matter what the hobby is, but another good rule of thumb to have for a simpler life is to dedicate an hour every day to doing something you love. This doesn’t have to be a productive habit, anything to do with work or school, or a skill you’re trying to improve. This can just be the simplest hobby you have. Maybe your hobby is going to nature walks. Maybe it’s collecting rocks. Whatever it is, dedicate an hour for it.
Keeping life simple doesn’t have to be hard work, and it also doesn’t have to be done overnight. Making simple changes everyday until it becomes your new normal will be the most effective way to make sure you make lifelong habits stick.