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Makeup Artists do These 4 Things to Get Noticed

Makeup Artists, do These 4 Things to Get Noticed

Getting noticed in the age of social media is hard. With so many people vying for attention on several social media platforms, it's hard to stand out.

There are a few things you can put into practice to get noticed online. With a little elbow grease, time, and dedication, you'll be getting the needed attention for the talent you want to share with the world.

What's trending

If you're a makeup artist, it's part of your job to know what's trending on the runway, up and coming products and brands, and what styles will be popular in the next season. You need to test out these products and give the right recommendations to your followers. Your face is the best canvas, and if you try out the products and trends, you can give your expert advice on the client that should be or shouldn't be wearing these trends and products.

assorted makeup palette

You don't need to have an elaborate setup to create video content. You can start sharing video content on Instagram Stories, Live, or Reels. Make sure you have decent lighting to share your content.

Social Media Platforms

There are roughly 75 social media platforms currently. Don't worry, you don't need to be on all 75 of them. Focus on the platforms where you know your content will be appreciated. Typically, MUAs focus on visual platforms because you can display your artistic ability on these outlets. The best ones for MUAs are:







You don't have to be on all of them, but consider being on several of these platforms. Make sure that the audience you're trying to target is on the same platforms as well.

Instagram is one of the most popular sites to get the needed visibility as an artist. When you post images, make sure that your feed's look and feel are polished and cohesive. You need to post with a purpose and share a balance of personal and work images.

pink leather pouch and clear glass bottle

If you use filters on your pictures and let's be real, who doesn't? Make sure you stick to the same style throughout most of your images, so your feed's theme is pleasing to the eye.

You are a brand, and your social media platforms need to represent you in a consistent manner.


You are an expert. You're sharing content on social media; you need to engage with those that comment on your posts, even if their opinion is different than yours. Your audience may not have the same expertise as you, so answer their questions and point them in the right direction regarding recommendations, different skin types, tones, and textures.

Design fun and branded IG stories with the Over App where you can create your logo, add stunning graphics and have a unique look to your images.

over app


You don't need to have a fancy website to get you noticed. You do need to have the basics, though. One of the essential parts of the site is a blog. Here you can go in-depth on the products you talk about on social media. Since you're an awesome makeup artist and your audience loves your expert advice, trust you and take what you say with serious consideration.

Your blog can link to all of the brands that you use, which means you can leverage the stats from your site with a well-defined media kit that you can present to different brands so you can work with them. This will expand your credibility and open up doors to continue to grow your personal brand as a Makeup Artist.

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Don’t know where to start? Join MOBILESTYLES so you can have your very own page to display your artistry and get your name out there. MOBILESTYLES is the leading on-demand health and beauty app in the US. If you’re a barber, esthetician, makeup artist, nail tech, or an expert in any other health and beauty industry, our amazing app allows you to find clients from Los Angeles to New York instantly, and all at no cost to you!


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