Zen Meditation For Moms On Even the Busiest Days
Reduce anxiety and stress with these easy tips for zen meditation for moms!
Master the art of meditation in just ten minutes a day.
Be the best version of yourself by incorporating these ideas for meditation for moms.
As a mom, you’re constantly prioritizing your children, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t find time to focus on their own health, too! Start small by dedicating just ten minutes a day toward practicing zen meditation for moms. Be the best mom and person you can be by taking the time to relax and mentally center yourself everyday.
Notable health benefits of practicing Zen daily are reduction in anxiety and stress, better sleep and rest periods, immune system improvement, reduction sensitivity to pain, improved blood flow, enhanced mood and behavior, improved posture, and more!
The goal of this practice is to let go of all of the judgment and become aware of sensations and thoughts that manifest and pass by. You can achieve this by focusing on the present moment.
Get ready to meditate in just three easy steps!
Step 1: How to sit
Sitting upright helps keep awareness. Healthline recommends, to sit facing a wall. If you’re unable to sit in this position, alternatives are:
Sitting upright with one ankle in front of the other
Sitting back on your heels with a cushion for support
Sitting on a chair or stool with your feet flat on the ground
Step 2: Where to place your hands
This is totally up to you, but Healthline recommends:
Placing the back of your palms on your thighs
Placing your right hand on top of the left hand with your palms facing up, arranging your finger so they’re pointing to the side
Placing the small fingers against your lower belly, gently pressing the tips of your thumbs together above the palms of your hand
Step3: How to breathe
It might seem obvious how you’re supposed to breathe–normal, right? Healthline suggests keeping awareness of each breath as it rises and passes. It’s also recommended to:
Feel the breath instead of watching or following it
Keep your belly soft and relaxed
With your limited time and tight schedule, it can be challenging to find time to practice this meditative state for longer than 10 minutes, but you owe it to yourself to find some peace and relaxation in your life. We all know nothing will get done without our moms, so take some time and devote some self-care to become the best mom you can be.
Did you try out this tips for zen meditation for moms? Let us know how it went by tagging @mobilestylesapp on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.