A Spring Cleaning Guide for the Pros
Check out this spring cleaning guide to keeping salons clean, and therefore, competitive. What better time to implement these tips than in the spring?
Be sure to make cleaning a part of your everyday routine with this spring cleaning guide.
It’s spring. What better time to put some attention into a cleaning regime at the salon? With a new found focus on cleaning since the pandemic began, I think it is safe to say that clients have higher expectations when it comes to disinfected surfaces and exemplary appearances. Clients want to see that salons are going that extra mile to clean, not only for the look, but also for safety. We came up with three tips as a spring cleaning guide for salon management on ways to “keep it clean.”
Clients value cleanliness, especially when it comes to safety.
Let it go!
First and foremost, go through unused products and supplies and purge! For the products you do keep, wipe down the bottles so that they are presentable. Organize the spaces where products are used so that the bottles are in order and wipe up all spills. Think about the show Tabatha Takes Over. Yes, you need to be that picky.
Deep clean the salon
Wipe all surfaces, including fixtures, inside cabinets and drawers. Make sure you make this a habit, aka side work, for all employees to perform on a regular basis in their workspaces. Remember that customers are watching, judging, and let’s face it, reviewing, so make cleanliness your Godliness.
Have cleaning supplies accessible
Keep a cleaning supply caddy hidden in every room. You may find yourself in one of these rooms saying, “Someone should really wipe down that sink.” That someone is you! As you know, the thought will be fleeting, so if you keep a cleaning supply caddy in there, you can wipe the sink down the second you have that thought and voila! Clean sink!
Here are a few other easy cleaning hacks:
-Use coffee filters or newspaper with your glass cleaner to get rid of streaks on windows and mirrors.
-Polish faucets with wax paper.
-Use the vacuum to clean blinds.
-Attach a dryer sheet to your broom to clean the baseboards.
-Don’t forget to wipe places that you think others won’t look like fan blades.
Cleaning has taken on new meaning in the last couple of years. It isn’t all about appearance anymore. Customers are looking for a salon that takes cleaning seriously and what better time to accept the challenge and initiate the tips in this spring cleaning guide!
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