A Comprehensive Guide to Dealing With Rude Customers
We discuss a variety of techniques to make dealing with rude customers as pain-free as possible.
We’ve got some strategies for dealing with rude customers to help you and your biz.
Try these simple tips next time you encounter a rude client!
No matter how incredible your skills and services are, at some point you’ll inevitably encounter a challenging client. While it’s advisable to do all you can to avoid these kinds of situations from arising, it’s also important to have strategies in place for dealing with rude customers when they do occur.
Keep your client in the know
Although the odd, difficult client may be unavoidable, one thing you can do to minimize your chances of encountering them is to have set procedures in place before you start any treatment. For example, ensuring that you carry out a detailed consultation with every client can reduce the chances of you not achieving the results they were looking for. Make it clear what your service involves so it’s less likely that issues or disagreements will occur down the line.
Act quickly if you spot any signs
If you start to pick up on any verbal or non-verbal cues that your client is becoming unhappy or stressed out, try to nip the situation in the bud at an early stage. Check in with your customer regularly, confirming that they’re happy with how everything is going and asking them if they have any questions or comments. This is a great way to make them feel valued and heard.
Establish set procedures
Complaints are part and parcel of owning a health and beauty business, and having a policy in place is beneficial for both yourself and your clients. It gives a set structure for all parties involved and gives your business a higher level of credibility. Make sure your clients are aware of these procedures before you engage in any treatment so there are no gray areas.
Stick to the facts and don’t get heated
Once a situation has arisen where a client becomes rude, your best bet is to work on ways to stop it from getting out of hand. If you’re dealing with a particularly impolite customer, it can be hard not to let things get personal, but you should always stick to the facts and maintain your professionalism as much as possible. Try to keep to a neutral tone in your speech and avoid raising your voice, even if the customer is doing so. It’s more likely that a rude client will eventually calm down if you let them voice their concerns, politely listen, and respond as calmly as you can.
Use it as a helpful learning curve
Take some time to reflect on what you can take from the experience of having dealt with a rude client. What went well about how you handled them? What could you do differently next time? What could you do to prevent another customer from being unhappy? Although dealing with these types of situations is never easy, those who look back and take stock of what they learned and reflect on how it helped their customer service understanding as a whole will gain the most.
Whether you’re dealing with rude customers that are justified in their dissatisfaction or not, how you respond can make all the difference to the end result. Are you proud of your customer service skills, even under pressure? Share your stories with us on socials and tag @mobilestylesapp on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.