Edema, Fatigue, Heaviness: When and Why You Need a Phlebologist
Take control of your vein health by learning when and why you need to see a phlebologist.
Phlebologists — Who are they and what do they do?
There are over 130,000 practicing phlebologists in the United States. But what exactly is a phlebologist? What do they study? Who do they help? What do they even do? Before you ask any more questions, check out this guide to learn more.
Learn about how they can help you.
What is a phlebologist?
A phlebologist is a general practitioner, dermatologist, surgeon, or internist that specializes in the examination, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of venous diseases. They’re the people you want to see if you’re having any vein issues.
Why should I see one?
Not many people or doctors talk about your vein health, but your veins play a huge role in the blood circulation in your body. So when should I see a vein specialist? First and foremost, you should see one if you’re experiencing any pain, swelling or edema, redness, or numbness on your legs and arms. Second, you should see one if you have vein disease in your family history. Third, you must see one if your doctor recommends it. Not all general practitioners can diagnose and treat vein issues and diseases.
When should I book an appointment?
If your doctor diagnoses you with:
- Varicose veins (varices)
- Vein inflammation (phlebitis)
- Thrombotic diseases such as deep vein thrombosis
- Sclerotherapy of spider veins
- Leg ulcer therapy (Ulcus cruris)
- Venous and skin changes caused by chronic venous insufficiency
You must see a phlebologist immediately. If you notice discomfort, redness, bulging or discolored veins, and tingling on your arms, legs, or ankles, we recommend seeing a practitioner immediately. Do not just wait for these symptoms to go away. Vein issues can come and go within weeks to years. It is best to combat your issues head-on before possible blood clots travel to your lungs and cause harm or death.
After reading this guide, you should have a basic understanding of who a phlebologist is. While they’ll give you a detailed plan of how to care for your veins, there are additional steps you can take to improve your vein health, like getting massages. And we know where you can find the best mobile masseuse in your area — MOBILESTYLES. Download the app today to start focusing on your vein health.