Is it LGBTQ+ Friendly? Here's How To Find LGBTQ+ Services in Your Area
Finding LGBTQ+ friendly services in your city can be tricky. We’re explaining how to make the search process easier.
Finding LGBTQ+ friendly services in your area can be essential for your health, safety, and needs.
You’ll be well on your way to finding all-inclusive environments in your area with this guide.
We all want to find areas where we feel welcome, supported, and safe; but members of the LGBTQ+ community can face additional challenges that require a few street smarts. Here are some tricks for finding LGBTQ+ friendly services and spaces in your area.
Why inclusive spaces are important
Humans are social creatures that crave to be seen and understood. Whether someone's searching for a community that shares their values, the perfect climate, or a group of understanding friends, everyone wants a place they can call home.
LGBTQ+ folks can encounter hurdles that someone might not face otherwise, such as harassment, discrimination, and even violence. There are entire countries where LGBTQ+ folks can face danger, and there are still questionable places in the United States. Unfortunately, the stigma and challenges that LGTBQ+ folks face leave them vulnerable to increased health risks.
Members of the LGBTQ+ have higher risks of anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and other mental health complications. LGBTQ+ youth face even more difficulties and are two to three times more likely to attempt suicide. This is why it's crucial to find safe places and services that support your identity.
What to look for
Finding LGBTQ+ inclusive services and spaces is much more than spotting rainbow stickers, but it's an excellent place to start. Looking for visual cues can give you insight into a community's culture. Identifying affirming signs might include rainbow flags, gender flags, signage, etc.
Welcoming neighborhoods generally have several LGBTQ+ residents and businesses that serve the community. You might come across bars, coffee shops, or bookstores affirming community members. Locating your nearest LGBTQ+ community center is another good starting place.
Large cities typically have all-inclusive neighborhoods, as well. You can find LGBTQ+ friendly environments in cities like San Diego, San Francisco, Atlanta, and more — in fact, you'll find complete city guides dedicated to LGBTQ+ spaces online.
Services to keep in mind
LGBTQ+ folks can face unique obstacles that require specific services and needs. Facing these obstacles alone can be incredibly difficult, so taking advantage of your area's services and networks is vital.
- Health services: You can use several tools to find inclusive health services in your area. You can also use these websites as an educational resource to better understand your identity and needs. Here are a few to keep in mind:
- LGBT Centers: www.lgbtcenters.org/Centers/find-a-center.aspx
- Gay Straight Alliance Network: www.gsanetwork.org/
- It Gets Better Project: www.itgetsbetter.org/
- CDC Health Services: https://www.cdc.gov/lgbthealth/health-services.htm
- Hotlines: Sometimes all you need is an open ear and a shoulder to lean on. At times, it can be challenging to find local support, but thankfully, you can call LGBTQ+ hotlines for additional assistance.
- LGBTQ+ National Hotline: https://www.lgbthotline.org/
- LGBTQ+ National Youth Talkline: https://www.lgbthotline.org/talkline.html
- LGBTQ+ Domestic Abuse Hotline: https://www.thehotline.org/resources/abuse-in-lgbtq-communities/
- Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: https://988lifeline.org/
- Spartacus: It's essential to stay safe when you're traveling or moving. Unfortunately, there are still locations where LGBTQ+ members can face violence or discrimination. It's possible to encounter these areas unintentionally. Thankfully, you can use tools like Spartacus to find LGBTQ+ friendly areas in the U.S. and across the globe. Spartacus rates locations based on several factors to determine what's safe or dangerous. Using these tools can help you plan a vacation or move with less risk.
It's essential to find LGBTQ+ friendly services and spaces in your area. All-inclusive locations can provide you with necessary health services and make you feel more at ease. A lot goes into finding a place you can call home, but this guide can help you get started.
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