Get Your Perfect Prom Makeover With MOBILESTYLES
Looking for an on-demand beauty professional to glam you up for your biggest high school event? Get your perfect prom makeover with MOBILESTYLES!
The big day has arrived! It’s time for you to be the queen of the day and to shine like the bright star that you are. Yes, it’s Prom Day!
You have many things to think about while getting ready for the exciting night ahead of you. Is your dress ironed and ready? Will you walk and dance elegantly in your new high heels? Will your date love your look? But there is one thing you won’t have to worry about. How will I apply my makeup and nails to sheer, gorgeous perfection?
Mobile Styles is here for all your beauty needs!
Photo Source: Pexels
Beautiful makeup, applied to look fresh and natural, is key. The first rule should be to match the colors of your makeup and nail polish to your dress. Matching colors gives a symmetrical, stylish look. A Mobile Styles health and beauty professional will come to you at the location of your choice and doll you up to prom perfection. Let an expert stylist exfoliate and hydrate your skin for a supple, fresh face. To ensure that your makeup lasts all night long, they will apply an oil-free moisturizer as a base, and then dust on a light foundation, covered with a brush of translucent face powder.
An excellent beauty tip is to combine the color of your nails with your chosen shade of lipstick. If you prefer a baby pink lip, then light pink nail polish looks lovely. If you go for a more daring raven red lip gloss, then lacquer the nails with a crimson or maroon polish. Silver eye shadow is always a win, especially if your dress is black. For a dress that is blue or green, matching your eye shadow with your gown will ensure you’re the best looking girl in town!
Photo Source: Pexels
Looking like the prom princess can be an absolute delight with a Mobile Styles makeover that looks and feels just right! For the finishing highlight, go with full, dark eyebrows! A true beauty queen that’s sure to be seen!
Mobile Styles, the leading on-demand Beauty & Health app in the United States, delivers talented professionals to any location at any time! Our amazing app allows you to find Clients or PROs from Los Angeles to New York in an instant!
Whether you are a client looking for on-demand service in the comfort of your home, at your office, or while just relaxing outdoors, our PROs’ attention to detail and customer satisfaction are only a tap away!
The Mobile Styles App has amazing PROs that offer: Barber, Braids, Color, Eyelash Extensions, Hair Stylists, Kids Haircuts, Makeup, Massage, Nails, Skin Care, Tanning, Threading, Twists, Waxing, Weaves and more than 100+ services to choose from.
Visit www.mobilestyles.com to learn more or download the app today!