5 Tips for Making it in Hollywood!
Hollywood: Home of the entertainment industry and the most beautiful and driven people you’ll ever meet. Here are 5 tips for making it in Hollywood.
So how do you stand out from the bunch? Well, it's not so much of the need to stand out from the crowd, it's more of finding your tribe and finding your way in this town. Despite the warnings and fortune-telling of my closest family and friends, coming to Los Angeles was the best decision I made. With that said, instead of trying to talk me out of following my desire to land in this town, I wish they had given me advice on how to survive in the City of Angels.
In the spirit of encouragement, here are the five things I wish I didn’t have to learn the hard way in Hollywood.
Be persistent
You may have heard this a time or two in your life, but it is the main reason why anyone gets anything done in this town. When it comes to pursuing your goals out here, don’t take no for an answer. Take the lessons that come with the experience out here and use it to your advantage. Use it to grow and become better.
Take big risks
If you don’t take the risk, you’ll never know what could happen. Have you ever noticed that people tend to gravitate toward the negative outcome of a fifty-fifty situation? It seems that we’ve been programmed that way as human beings. I challenge you to go for it, that crazy thing you’ve been dreaming of. If you don’t do it, somebody will.
Quit your day job
Yes, I’m serious. Quit your day job. Doing a job that drains you mentally and physically, one that has no place in your future gives you no room to dedicate yourself to your goals. With social media and freelance jobs, you have the power to take matters into your own hands and put your talents on display. So write up a strategy and create the job you want! Here’s a caveat to this little tip. If you find a job that isn’t exactly where you want to be, then take it and work hard to show them you are the one they need, for the job you want!
Find your tribe
You can’t make it to the top alone. It’s true. Humans are social beings, each with different talents and knowledge. And as the old saying goes, two heads are better than one. Get out and be social. Make friends. You never know who you’ll meet. What’s better, you never know who is looking for someone just like you!
Take self-care seriously
Take time for yourself. This may be the most important tip of them all. Working to reach your goals, being social, and living out on the limb can take a lot out of you. We all need to take time to relax and do the things that are rejuvenating and relaxing, even if that means spending the whole day on the beach! Schedule it in your calendar and stick to it. If you burn out, you can’t be at your best.
There is only one thing to say after that. Welcome to Hollywood, where you get out of it, exactly what you put into it!