6 Trees You Can Plant On Arbor Day
For Arbor Day there are 6 trees that you can bring into the world to celebrate!
April showers bring flowers and are also the perfect thing for growing trees! Good thing Arbor Day, a national day for people to plant trees, falls in April. This year it's on Friday, April 24. Below we have listed 6 trees that you can plant for Arbor Day - which gives you the perfect excuse to get out of the house! Trees are essential, after all, right?
1. Dogwood Tree
A very common ornamental tree that people plant in their yards is dogwood trees. Dogwood trees are known for their beautiful white, pink, or red flowers that bloom in spring. It’s a great choice to start with this Arbor Day.
2. Eastern Redbud Tree
If you love the color pink, an eastern redbud tree is a perfect choice to plant. The pink flowers that bloom on the tree start to pop out around spring and early summer. This tree can fit into a smaller yard as it grows to be about 30 feet tall and wide.
3. Weeping Willow Tree
For all the Disney fans out there, planting a weeping willow tree may be your go-to this spring. Weeping willow trees have leaves and branches that hang low. They can grow about 60 to 80 feet tall.
4. Birch Tree
For smaller yards, we recommend going with birch trees. Birch trees tend to be small to medium size with simple leaves. Most people recognize birch trees from their thin white or grey bark.
5. Magnolia Tree
There are over 200 different types of magnolia trees that you can plant this Arbor Day. You can spot a magnolia tree by the white or pink flower blossoms that bloom on its branches. Magnolia trees grow very well and quickly in spring weather.
6. Red Oak Tree
Have a big yard? A red oak tree will be the perfect tree to plant. As America’s national tree, the oak symbolizes strength and endurance. Red oak trees can grow up to 65 to 75 feet tall and have a quick growth rate.
With these trees in mind, it’s time to grab your shovel, water, and fertilizer and start planting.