Here's Why Living Gratefully is the Secret to Good Skin
Beyond just sounding like a nice idea, people unanimously believe that being happy and living gratefully does indeed enhance your physical appearance.
Living gratefully can have emotional and physical benefits.
Children's book author Roald Dahl once said, “If you have good thoughts, it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” Beyond just sounding like a nice idea, people unanimously believe that being happy and living gratefully does indeed enhance your physical appearance.
Among a sea of buzzy ingredients, the relatively simple concept of gratitude is taking off in the beauty world. Skincare guru Dr. Howard Murad launched a smartphone app that sends users positive affirmations as push notifications, influencers share photos of post-it notes taped to their bathroom mirrors listing what they’re thankful for and people are even listing a daily meditation as part of their skincare routine.
It sure makes sense when you think about it: if stress is one of the worst skin aggravators, surely having uplifting, reaffirming thoughts can induce a glow?
According to CV Skinlabs, studies over the years have shown that a daily gratitude practice (such as journaling or meditating) lowered levels of stress and depression, reduced toxic emotions, helped sleep, boosted confidence, strengthened the immune system and lowered inflammation.
Meaning? As per psychodermatologist Dr Amy Wechsler, “Anything that lowers stress levels improves the health of the skin.”
So what can you do to reap the rewards? Start incorporating gratitude into your day-to-day routine in these simple steps:
Happy list
Leave a notebook by your bed (this way you’ll be likely to scribble in it last thing before sleep or first thing in the AM) and commit to writing down a handful of things you are grateful for that day.
Send thank you cards
Spreading good feelings only adds to the cycle of positivity, so don’t forget to pay it forward by thanking your nearest and dearest with a good old fashioned handwritten note.
Give compliments
Remember how nice it feels to receive a genuine compliment? If you pass someone on the street wearing an amazing dress or fabulous hat, tell them! Or, at least leave some supportive emojis underneath your bestie’s next Instagram post.
Appreciate the small things
When we lead hectic lives, we tend to be less likely to take stock of the small victories or mini moments of joy. Aim to lean in to something everyday that makes you feel grounded, content, and present. It could even be as simple as treasuring your morning coffee ritual or lighting a scented candle you’ve been “saving” for a special occasion. Living gratefully doesn’t have to be hard — it can just take a small couple of steps.